Lane Detection

84 papers with code • 11 benchmarks • 15 datasets

Lane Detection is a computer vision task that involves identifying the boundaries of driving lanes in a video or image of a road scene. The goal is to accurately locate and track the lane markings in real-time, even in challenging conditions such as poor lighting, glare, or complex road layouts.

Lane detection is an important component of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles, as it provides information about the road layout and the position of the vehicle within the lane, which is crucial for navigation and safety. The algorithms typically use a combination of computer vision techniques, such as edge detection, color filtering, and Hough transforms, to identify and track the lane markings in a road scene.

( Image credit: End-to-end Lane Detection )


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7 papers
6 papers

Recursive Video Lane Detection

dongkwonjin/rvld ICCV 2023

A novel algorithm to detect road lanes in videos, called recursive video lane detector (RVLD), is proposed in this paper, which propagates the state of a current frame recursively to the next frame.

22 Aug 2023

ADNet: Lane Shape Prediction via Anchor Decomposition

sephirex-x/adnet ICCV 2023

In this paper, we revisit the limitations of anchor-based lane detection methods, which have predominantly focused on fixed anchors that stem from the edges of the image, disregarding their versatility and quality.

21 Aug 2023

Contrastive Learning for Lane Detection via Cross-Similarity

sabadijou/clld_official 16 Aug 2023

CLLD is a novel multitask contrastive learning that trains lane detection approaches to detect lane markings even in low visible situations by integrating local feature contrastive learning (CL) with our new proposed operation cross-similarity.

16 Aug 2023

LATR: 3D Lane Detection from Monocular Images with Transformer

jmoonr/latr ICCV 2023

On the one hand, each query is generated based on 2D lane-aware features and adopts a hybrid embedding to enhance lane information.

08 Aug 2023

TwinLiteNet: An Efficient and Lightweight Model for Driveable Area and Lane Segmentation in Self-Driving Cars

chequanghuy/TwinLiteNet 20 Jul 2023

Driveable Area Segmentation and Lane Detection are particularly important for safe and efficient navigation on the road.

20 Jul 2023

LVLane: Deep Learning for Lane Detection and Classification in Challenging Conditions

zillur-av/LVLane 13 Jul 2023

Experimental evaluations conducted on the widely-used TuSimple dataset, Caltech Lane dataset, and our LVLane dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in accurately detecting and classifying lanes amidst challenging scenarios.

13 Jul 2023

CLRerNet: Improving Confidence of Lane Detection with LaneIoU

hirotomusiker/clrernet 15 May 2023

Lane marker detection is a crucial component of the autonomous driving and driver assistance systems.

15 May 2023

End-to-End Lane detection with One-to-Several Transformer

zkyseu/PPlanedet 1 May 2023

We first propose the one-to-several label assignment, which combines one-to-many and one-to-one label assignment to solve label semantic conflicts while keeping end-to-end detection.

01 May 2023

Dense Hybrid Proposal Modulation for Lane Detection

wuyuej/dhpm 28 Apr 2023

In addition to the shape and location constraints, we design a quality-aware classification loss to adaptively supervise each positive proposal so that the discriminative power can be further boosted.

28 Apr 2023

Learning to Predict Navigational Patterns from Partial Observations

robin-karlsson0/dslp 26 Apr 2023

We demonstrate how to infer global navigational patterns by fitting a maximum likelihood graph to the DSLP field.

26 Apr 2023