Lay Summarization

5 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Summarizing a technical or scientific document in simple, non-technical language that is comprehensible to a lay person (non-expert).

Most implemented papers

Dimsum @LaySumm 20: BART-based Approach for Scientific Document Summarization

TysonYu/Laysumm 19 Oct 2020

Lay summarization aims to generate lay summaries of scientific papers automatically.

Making Science Simple: Corpora for the Lay Summarisation of Scientific Literature

tgoldsack1/corpora_for_lay_summarisation 18 Oct 2022

Lay summarisation aims to jointly summarise and simplify a given text, thus making its content more comprehensible to non-experts.

Generating Summaries with Controllable Readability Levels

amazon-science/controllable-readability-summarization 16 Oct 2023

Readability refers to how easily a reader can understand a written text.