Lesion Segmentation

208 papers with code • 10 benchmarks • 13 datasets

Lesion segmentation is the task of segmenting out lesions from other objects in medical based images.

( Image credit: D-UNet )


Use these libraries to find Lesion Segmentation models and implementations

TJDR: A High-Quality Diabetic Retinopathy Pixel-Level Annotation Dataset

nekopii/tjdr 24 Dec 2023

Diabetic retinopathy (DR), as a debilitating ocular complication, necessitates prompt intervention and treatment.

24 Dec 2023

MCANet: Medical Image Segmentation with Multi-Scale Cross-Axis Attention

haoshao-nku/medical_seg 14 Dec 2023

To process the significant variations of lesion regions or organs in individual sizes and shapes, we also use multiple convolutions of strip-shape kernels with different kernel sizes in each axial attention path to improve the efficiency of the proposed MCA in encoding spatial information.

14 Dec 2023

U-Net v2: Rethinking the Skip Connections of U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation

yaoppeng/u-net_v2 29 Nov 2023

We evaluate our method on several public medical image segmentation datasets for skin lesion segmentation and polyp segmentation, and the experimental results demonstrate the segmentation accuracy of our new method over state-of-the-art methods, while preserving memory and computational efficiency.

29 Nov 2023

DEU-Net: Dual-Encoder U-Net for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation

alikm6/DEU-Net IEEE Access 2023

The computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) of skin diseases relies heavily on automated skin lesion segmentation, albeit presenting considerable challenges due to lesion diversity in shape, size, color, and texture, as well as potential blurry boundaries with surrounding tissues.

28 Nov 2023

Only Positive Cases: 5-fold High-order Attention Interaction Model for Skin Segmentation Derived Classification

wurenkai/MHA-UNet 27 Nov 2023

In this paper, we propose a multiple high-order attention interaction model (MHA-UNet) for use in a highly explainable skin lesion segmentation task.

27 Nov 2023

View it like a radiologist: Shifted windows for deep learning augmentation of CT images

agnalt/window-shifting 25 Nov 2023

Our method outperforms classical intensity augmentations as well as the intensity augmentation pipeline of the popular nn-UNet on multiple datasets.

25 Nov 2023

Fuzzy Information Seeded Region Growing for Automated Lesions After Stroke Segmentation in MR Brain Images

mawio02/fisrg-for-automated-lesion-after-stroke-segmentation-in-mri 20 Nov 2023

Designed to effectively delineate the complex and irregular boundaries of stroke lesions, the FISRG algorithm combines fuzzy logic with Seeded Region Growing (SRG) techniques, aiming to enhance segmentation accuracy.

20 Nov 2023

Morphology-Enhanced CAM-Guided SAM for weakly supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation

yuexin18/morseg-cam-sam 18 Nov 2023

This innovative framework is specifically designed for weakly supervised lesion segmentation in early-stage breast ultrasound images.

18 Nov 2023

Comprehensive Evaluation and Insights into the Use of Deep Neural Networks to Detect and Quantify Lymphoma Lesions in PET/CT Images

microsoft/lymphoma-segmentation-dnn 16 Nov 2023

This study performs comprehensive evaluation of four neural network architectures (UNet, SegResNet, DynUNet, and SwinUNETR) for lymphoma lesion segmentation from PET/CT images.

16 Nov 2023

Structural-Based Uncertainty in Deep Learning Across Anatomical Scales: Analysis in White Matter Lesion Segmentation

medical-image-analysis-laboratory/ms_wml_uncs 15 Nov 2023

The results from a multi-centric MRI dataset of 172 patients demonstrate that our proposed measures more effectively capture model errors at the lesion and patient scales compared to measures that average voxel-scale uncertainty values.

15 Nov 2023