Lexical Normalization

15 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Lexical normalization is the task of translating/transforming a non standard text to a standard register.


new pix comming tomoroe
new pictures coming tomorrow

Datasets usually consists of tweets, since these naturally contain a fair amount of these phenomena.

For lexical normalization, only replacements on the word-level are annotated. Some corpora include annotation for 1-N and N-1 replacements. However, word insertion/deletion and reordering is not part of the task.


Most implemented papers

ÚFAL at MultiLexNorm 2021: Improving Multilingual Lexical Normalization by Fine-tuning ByT5

ufal/multilexnorm2021 WNUT (ACL) 2021

We present the winning entry to the Multilingual Lexical Normalization (MultiLexNorm) shared task at W-NUT 2021 (van der Goot et al., 2021a), which evaluates lexical-normalization systems on 12 social media datasets in 11 languages.

ViLexNorm: A Lexical Normalization Corpus for Vietnamese Social Media Text

ngxtnhi/vilexnorm 29 Jan 2024

In this work, we introduce Vietnamese Lexical Normalization (ViLexNorm), the first-ever corpus developed for the Vietnamese lexical normalization task.