Lighting Estimation
15 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets
Lighting Estimation analyzes given images to provide detailed information about the lighting in a scene.
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Most implemented papers
Deep Parametric Indoor Lighting Estimation
We present a method to estimate lighting from a single image of an indoor scene.
Lighthouse: Predicting Lighting Volumes for Spatially-Coherent Illumination
We present a deep learning solution for estimating the incident illumination at any 3D location within a scene from an input narrow-baseline stereo image pair.
PointAR: Efficient Lighting Estimation for Mobile Augmented Reality
We propose an efficient lighting estimation pipeline that is suitable to run on modern mobile devices, with comparable resource complexities to state-of-the-art mobile deep learning models.
Deep Lighting Environment Map Estimation from Spherical Panoramas
We approach this problem differently, exploiting the availability of surface geometry to employ image-based relighting as a data generator and supervision mechanism.
Shape From Tracing: Towards Reconstructing 3D Object Geometry and SVBRDF Material from Images via Differentiable Path Tracing
In this paper, we explore how to use differentiable ray tracing to refine an initial coarse mesh and per-mesh-facet material representation.
GMLight: Lighting Estimation via Geometric Distribution Approximation
This paper presents Geometric Mover's Light (GMLight), a lighting estimation framework that employs a regression network and a generative projector for effective illumination estimation.
Xihe: A 3D Vision-based Lighting Estimation Framework for Mobile Augmented Reality
Centering the key idea of 3D vision, in this work, we design an edge-assisted framework called Xihe to provide mobile AR applications the ability to obtain accurate omnidirectional lighting estimation in real time.
NeILF: Neural Incident Light Field for Physically-based Material Estimation
We present a differentiable rendering framework for material and lighting estimation from multi-view images and a reconstructed geometry.
DeepPS2: Revisiting Photometric Stereo Using Two Differently Illuminated Images
Despite the success of existing traditional and deep learning-based methods, it is still challenging due to: (i) the requirement of three or more differently illuminated images, (ii) the inability to model unknown general reflectance, and (iii) the requirement of accurate 3D ground truth surface normals and known lighting information for training.
StyleLight: HDR Panorama Generation for Lighting Estimation and Editing
To tackle this problem, we propose a coupled dual-StyleGAN panorama synthesis network (StyleLight) that integrates LDR and HDR panorama synthesis into a unified framework.