Low-Rank Matrix Completion

25 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Low-Rank Matrix Completion is an important problem with several applications in areas such as recommendation systems, sketching, and quantum tomography. The goal in matrix completion is to recover a low rank matrix, given a small number of entries of the matrix.

Source: Universal Matrix Completion

Latest papers with no code

Entry-Specific Bounds for Low-Rank Matrix Completion under Highly Non-Uniform Sampling

no code yet • 29 Feb 2024

Our bounds characterize the hardness of estimating each entry as a function of the localized sampling probabilities.

Effect of Beampattern on Matrix Completion with Sparse Arrays

no code yet • 12 Jan 2024

In this paper, we make advances towards solidifying this understanding by revealing the role of the physical beampattern of the sparse array on the performance of low rank matrix completion techniques.

Harmonic Retrieval Using Weighted Lifted-Structure Low-Rank Matrix Completion

no code yet • 8 Nov 2023

In this paper, we investigate the problem of recovering the frequency components of a mixture of $K$ complex sinusoids from a random subset of $N$ equally-spaced time-domain samples.

A framework to generate sparsity-inducing regularizers for enhanced low-rank matrix completion

no code yet • 8 Oct 2023

Applying half-quadratic optimization to loss functions can yield the corresponding regularizers, while these regularizers are usually not sparsity-inducing regularizers (SIRs).

Robust Low-Rank Matrix Completion via a New Sparsity-Inducing Regularizer

no code yet • 7 Oct 2023

Moreover, the closed-form solution to its Moreau envelope, namely, the proximity operator, is derived.

Matrix Completion in Almost-Verification Time

no code yet • 7 Aug 2023

In the well-studied setting where $\mathbf{M}$ has incoherent row and column spans, our algorithms complete $\mathbf{M}$ to high precision from $mr^{2+o(1)}$ observations in $mr^{3 + o(1)}$ time (omitting logarithmic factors in problem parameters), improving upon the prior state-of-the-art [JN15] which used $\approx mr^5$ samples and $\approx mr^7$ time.

Data-based system representations from irregularly measured data

no code yet • 21 Jul 2023

Non-parametric representations of dynamical systems based on the image of a Hankel matrix of data are extensively used for data-driven control.

Non-Convex Optimizations for Machine Learning with Theoretical Guarantee: Robust Matrix Completion and Neural Network Learning

no code yet • 28 Jun 2023

Despite the recent development in machine learning, most learning systems are still under the concept of "black box", where the performance cannot be understood and derived.

Graph-Based Matrix Completion Applied to Weather Data

no code yet • 14 Jun 2023

Low-rank matrix completion is the task of recovering unknown entries of a matrix by assuming that the true matrix admits a good low-rank approximation.

Matrix Completion from General Deterministic Sampling Patterns

no code yet • 4 Jun 2023

Most of the existing works on provable guarantees for low-rank matrix completion algorithms rely on some unrealistic assumptions such that matrix entries are sampled randomly or the sampling pattern has a specific structure.