Low-Rank Matrix Completion

25 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Low-Rank Matrix Completion is an important problem with several applications in areas such as recommendation systems, sketching, and quantum tomography. The goal in matrix completion is to recover a low rank matrix, given a small number of entries of the matrix.

Source: Universal Matrix Completion

Most implemented papers

Provable Subspace Tracking from Missing Data and Matrix Completion

vdaneshpajooh/NORST-rmc 6 Oct 2018

In this work, we show that a simple modification of our robust ST solution also provably solves ST-miss and robust ST-miss.

Adaptive Matrix Completion for the Users and the Items in Tail

mohit-shrma/matfac 22 Apr 2019

In this work, we show that the skewed distribution of ratings in the user-item rating matrix of real-world datasets affects the accuracy of matrix-completion-based approaches.

Structured Low-Rank Algorithms: Theory, MR Applications, and Links to Machine Learning

cbig-iowa/giraf 27 Oct 2019

In this survey, we provide a detailed review of recent advances in the recovery of continuous domain multidimensional signals from their few non-uniform (multichannel) measurements using structured low-rank matrix completion formulation.

Deep Generalization of Structured Low-Rank Algorithms (Deep-SLR)

anikpram/Deep-SLR 7 Dec 2019

The main challenge with this strategy is the high computational complexity of matrix completion.

Escaping Saddle Points in Ill-Conditioned Matrix Completion with a Scalable Second Order Method

ckuemmerle/MatrixIRLS 7 Sep 2020

We propose an iterative algorithm for low-rank matrix completion that can be interpreted as both an iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm and a saddle-escaping smoothing Newton method applied to a non-convex rank surrogate objective.

Mixed Membership Graph Clustering via Systematic Edge Query

shahanaibrahimosu/mixed-membership-graph-clustering 25 Nov 2020

This work aims at learning mixed membership of nodes using queried edges.

Simulation comparisons between Bayesian and de-biased estimators in low-rank matrix completion

tienmt/UQMC 22 Mar 2021

In this paper, we study the low-rank matrix completion problem, a class of machine learning problems, that aims at the prediction of missing entries in a partially observed matrix.

A Scalable Second Order Method for Ill-Conditioned Matrix Completion from Few Samples

ckuemmerle/MatrixIRLS 3 Jun 2021

We propose an iterative algorithm for low-rank matrix completion that can be interpreted as an iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm, a saddle-escaping smoothing Newton method or a variable metric proximal gradient method applied to a non-convex rank surrogate.

GNMR: A provable one-line algorithm for low rank matrix recovery

pizilber/GNMR 24 Jun 2021

Low rank matrix recovery problems, including matrix completion and matrix sensing, appear in a broad range of applications.

Generalized Nonconvex Approach for Low-Tubal-Rank Tensor Recovery

wanghailin97/Generalized-Nonconvex-Approach-for-Low-Tubal-Rank-Tensor-Recovery IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2022

The tensor-tensor product-induced tensor nuclear norm (t-TNN) (Lu et al., 2020) minimization for low-tubal-rank tensor recovery attracts broad attention recently.