Low Resource Named Entity Recognition

15 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 5 datasets

Low resource named entity recognition is the task of using data and models available for one language for which ample such resources are available (e.g., English) to solve named entity recognition tasks in another, commonly more low-resource, language.

Most implemented papers

InstructionNER: A Multi-Task Instruction-Based Generative Framework for Few-shot NER

ovbystrova/InstructionNER 8 Mar 2022

Recently, prompt-based methods have achieved significant performance in few-shot learning scenarios by bridging the gap between language model pre-training and fine-tuning for downstream tasks.

A Comparative Study of Pre-trained Encoders for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition

dfki-nlp/fewie RepL4NLP (ACL) 2022

Pre-trained language models (PLM) are effective components of few-shot named entity recognition (NER) approaches when augmented with continued pre-training on task-specific out-of-domain data or fine-tuning on in-domain data.

SEE-Few: Seed, Expand and Entail for Few-shot Named Entity Recognition

unveiled-the-red-hat/SEE-Few COLING 2022

Current few-shot NER methods focus on leveraging existing datasets in the rich-resource domains which might fail in a training-from-scratch setting where no source-domain data is used.

Better Low-Resource Entity Recognition Through Translation and Annotation Fusion

edchengg/transfusion 23 May 2023

Pre-trained multilingual language models have enabled significant advancements in cross-lingual transfer.

GoLLIE: Annotation Guidelines improve Zero-Shot Information-Extraction

hitz-zentroa/gollie 5 Oct 2023

In this paper, we propose GoLLIE (Guideline-following Large Language Model for IE), a model able to improve zero-shot results on unseen IE tasks by virtue of being fine-tuned to comply with annotation guidelines.