Machine Reading Comprehension

197 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 41 datasets

Machine Reading Comprehension is one of the key problems in Natural Language Understanding, where the task is to read and comprehend a given text passage, and then answer questions based on it.

Source: Making Neural Machine Reading Comprehension Faster


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2 papers
2 papers

Instructive Dialogue Summarization with Query Aggregations

BinWang28/InstructDS 17 Oct 2023

With the advancement of instruction-finetuned language models, we introduce instruction-tuning to dialogues to expand the capability set of dialogue summarization models.

17 Oct 2023

Named Entity Recognition via Machine Reading Comprehension: A Multi-Task Learning Approach

yibowang214/multiner 20 Sep 2023

In this paper, we propose to incorporate the label dependencies among entity types into a multi-task learning framework for better MRC-based NER.

20 Sep 2023

The Belebele Benchmark: a Parallel Reading Comprehension Dataset in 122 Language Variants

facebookresearch/belebele 31 Aug 2023

We use this dataset to evaluate the capabilities of multilingual masked language models (MLMs) and large language models (LLMs).

31 Aug 2023

Single-Sentence Reader: A Novel Approach for Addressing Answer Position Bias

sonqt/single-sentence-reader 8 Aug 2023

Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) models tend to take advantage of spurious correlations (also known as dataset bias or annotation artifacts in the research community).

08 Aug 2023

Zero-shot Query Reformulation for Conversational Search

dayuyang1999/zeqr 18 Jul 2023

Nevertheless, existing zero-shot methods face three primary limitations: they are not universally applicable to all retrievers, their effectiveness lacks sufficient explainability, and they struggle to resolve common conversational ambiguities caused by omission.

18 Jul 2023

IDOL: Indicator-oriented Logic Pre-training for Logical Reasoning

GeekDream-x/IDOL 27 Jun 2023

IDOL achieves state-of-the-art performance on ReClor and LogiQA, the two most representative benchmarks in logical reasoning MRC, and is proven to be capable of generalizing to different pre-trained models and other types of MRC benchmarks like RACE and SQuAD 2. 0 while keeping competitive general language understanding ability through testing on tasks in GLUE.

27 Jun 2023

Sentence-level Event Detection without Triggers via Prompt Learning and Machine Reading Comprehension

rickltt/event_detection 25 Jun 2023

The traditional way of sentence-level event detection involves two important subtasks: trigger identification and trigger classifications, where the identified event trigger words are used to classify event types from sentences.

25 Jun 2023

Modeling Hierarchical Reasoning Chains by Linking Discourse Units and Key Phrases for Reading Comprehension

cather-chen/logical-reasoning-graph COLING 2022

Machine reading comprehension (MRC) poses new challenges over logical reasoning, which aims to understand the implicit logical relations entailed in the given contexts and perform inference over them.

21 Jun 2023

Bidirectional End-to-End Learning of Retriever-Reader Paradigm for Entity Linking

geekjuruo/beer2 21 Jun 2023

Entity Linking (EL) is a fundamental task for Information Extraction and Knowledge Graphs.

21 Jun 2023

Bridging the Gap between Decision and Logits in Decision-based Knowledge Distillation for Pre-trained Language Models

thunlp-mt/dbkd-plm 15 Jun 2023

By combining the theoretical and empirical estimations of the decision distributions together, the estimation of logits can be successfully reduced to a simple root-finding problem.

15 Jun 2023