Material Recognition

15 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 9 datasets

Material recognition focuses on identifying classes, types, states, and properties of materials.

MateRobot: Material Recognition in Wearable Robotics for People with Visual Impairments

junweizheng93/materobot 28 Feb 2023

People with Visual Impairments (PVI) typically recognize objects through haptic perception.

28 Feb 2023

One-shot recognition of any material anywhere using contrastive learning with physics-based rendering

sagieppel/MatSim-Dataset-Generator-Scripts-And-Neural-net ICCV 2023

The synthetic images were rendered using giant collections of textures, objects, and environments generated by computer graphics artists.

01 Dec 2022

A Dense Material Segmentation Dataset for Indoor and Outdoor Scene Parsing

apple/ml-dms-dataset 21 Jul 2022

A key algorithm for understanding the world is material segmentation, which assigns a label (metal, glass, etc.)

21 Jul 2022

Encoding Spatial Distribution of Convolutional Features for Texture Representation

csfengli/fenet NeurIPS 2021

Existing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) often use global average pooling (GAP) to aggregate feature maps into a single representation.

01 Dec 2021

Stochastic Partial Swap: Enhanced Model Generalization and Interpretability for Fine-Grained Recognition

shaoli-huang/sps ICCV 2021

Learning mid-level representation for fine-grained recognition is easily dominated by a limited number of highly discriminative patterns, degrading its robustness and generalization capability.

01 Jan 2021

Differential Viewpoints for Ground Terrain Material Recognition

jiaxue1993/pytorch-material-classification 22 Sep 2020

A key concept is differential angular imaging, where small angular variations in image capture enables angular-gradient features for an enhanced appearance representation that improves recognition.

22 Sep 2020

Multimodal Material Classification for Robots using Spectroscopy and High Resolution Texture Imaging

Healthcare-Robotics/spectrovision 2 Apr 2020

Finally, we present how a robot can combine this high resolution local sensing with images from the robot's head-mounted camera to achieve accurate material classification over a scene of objects on a table.

02 Apr 2020

Fast classification of small X-ray diffraction datasets using data augmentation and deep neural networks

PV-Lab/autoXRD npj Computational Materials 2019

We overcome the scarce data problem intrinsic to novel materials development by coupling a supervised machine learning approach with a model-agnostic, physics-informed data augmentation strategy using simulated data from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) and experimental data.

17 May 2019

Classification of Household Materials via Spectroscopy

kebasaa/SCIO-read 10 May 2018

To explore this, we collected a dataset of spectral measurements from two commercially available spectrometers during which a robotic platform interacted with 50 flat material objects, and we show that a neural network model can accurately analyze these measurements.

10 May 2018