Melody Extraction
7 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets
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Most implemented papers
A Streamlined Encoder/Decoder Architecture for Melody Extraction
Our experiments on both vocal melody extraction and general melody extraction validate the effectiveness of the proposed model.
Musical Instrument Playing Technique Detection Based on FCN: Using Chinese Bowed-Stringed Instrument as an Example
The effectiveness of the proposed framework is tested on a new dataset, its categorization of techniques is similar to our training dataset.
BERT-like Pre-training for Symbolic Piano Music Classification Tasks
This article presents a benchmark study of symbolic piano music classification using the masked language modelling approach of the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT).
TONet: Tone-Octave Network for Singing Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music
In this paper, we propose TONet, a plug-and-play model that improves both tone and octave perceptions by leveraging a novel input representation and a novel network architecture.
Clarinet: A Music Retrieval System
A MIDI based approach for music recognition is proposed and implemented in this paper.
Towards Improving Harmonic Sensitivity and Prediction Stability for Singing Melody Extraction
In deep learning research, many melody extraction models rely on redesigning neural network architectures to improve performance.