Metric Learning

554 papers with code • 8 benchmarks • 32 datasets

The goal of Metric Learning is to learn a representation function that maps objects into an embedded space. The distance in the embedded space should preserve the objects’ similarity — similar objects get close and dissimilar objects get far away. Various loss functions have been developed for Metric Learning. For example, the contrastive loss guides the objects from the same class to be mapped to the same point and those from different classes to be mapped to different points whose distances are larger than a margin. Triplet loss is also popular, which requires the distance between the anchor sample and the positive sample to be smaller than the distance between the anchor sample and the negative sample.

Source: Road Network Metric Learning for Estimated Time of Arrival


Use these libraries to find Metric Learning models and implementations

DUCK: Distance-based Unlearning via Centroid Kinematics

ocram17/duck 4 Dec 2023

Machine Unlearning is rising as a new field, driven by the pressing necessity of ensuring privacy in modern artificial intelligence models.

04 Dec 2023

Robust Concept Erasure via Kernelized Rate-Distortion Maximization

brcsomnath/kram NeurIPS 2023

Distributed representations provide a vector space that captures meaningful relationships between data instances.

30 Nov 2023

Deep Hashing via Householder Quantization

lucas-schwengber/h2q 7 Nov 2023

Hashing is at the heart of large-scale image similarity search, and recent methods have been substantially improved through deep learning techniques.

07 Nov 2023

Adaptive End-to-End Metric Learning for Zero-Shot Cross-Domain Slot Filling

switchsyj/adae2ml-xsf 23 Oct 2023

In practice, these dominant pipeline models may be limited in computational efficiency and generalization capacity because of non-parallel inference and context-free discrete label embeddings.

23 Oct 2023

Long-Tailed Classification Based on Coarse-Grained Leading Forest and Multi-Center Loss

jinyery/cognisance 12 Oct 2023

The deviation of a classification model is caused by both class-wise and attribute-wise imbalance.

12 Oct 2023

FreeReg: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration Leveraging Pretrained Diffusion Models and Monocular Depth Estimators

WHU-USI3DV/FreeReg 5 Oct 2023

Matching cross-modality features between images and point clouds is a fundamental problem for image-to-point cloud registration.

05 Oct 2023

Dark Side Augmentation: Generating Diverse Night Examples for Metric Learning

mohwald/gandtr ICCV 2023

We propose to train a GAN-based synthetic-image generator, translating available day-time image examples into night images.

28 Sep 2023

Keep It SimPool: Who Said Supervised Transformers Suffer from Attention Deficit?

billpsomas/simpool ICCV 2023

By discussing the properties of each group of methods, we derive SimPool, a simple attention-based pooling mechanism as a replacement of the default one for both convolutional and transformer encoders.

13 Sep 2023

Deep Attentive Time Warping

matsuo-shinnosuke/deep-attentive-time-warping 13 Sep 2023

Unlike other learnable models using DTW for warping, our model predicts all local correspondences between two time series and is trained based on metric learning, which enables it to learn the optimal data-dependent warping for the target task.

13 Sep 2023

Introspective Deep Metric Learning

wangck20/idml 11 Sep 2023

This paper proposes an introspective deep metric learning (IDML) framework for uncertainty-aware comparisons of images.

11 Sep 2023