Model Optimization

87 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

To Optimize already existing models in Training/Inferencing tasks.

Most implemented papers

Multi-objective Asynchronous Successive Halving

mbilalzafar/fair-classification 23 Jun 2021

Hyperparameter optimization (HPO) is increasingly used to automatically tune the predictive performance (e. g., accuracy) of machine learning models.

Improved Distribution Matching for Dataset Condensation

uitrbn/idm CVPR 2023

In this paper, we propose a novel dataset condensation method based on distribution matching, which is more efficient and promising.

Exhaustive Exploitation of Nature-inspired Computation for Cancer Screening in an Ensemble Manner

wangxb96/eode 6 Apr 2024

This study presents a framework termed Evolutionary Optimized Diverse Ensemble Learning (EODE) to improve ensemble learning for cancer classification from gene expression data.

Gate-Variants of Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) Neural Networks

abhaskumarsinha/GRU-varients 20 Jan 2017

The paper evaluates three variants of the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) in recurrent neural networks (RNN) by reducing parameters in the update and reset gates.

Highly Efficient 8-bit Low Precision Inference of Convolutional Neural Networks with IntelCaffe

intel/caffe 4 May 2018

High throughput and low latency inference of deep neural networks are critical for the deployment of deep learning applications.

Differentiable Satisfiability and Differentiable Answer Set Programming for Sampling-Based Multi-Model Optimization

MatthiasNickles/diff-SAT 31 Dec 2018

We propose Differentiable Satisfiability and Differentiable Answer Set Programming (Differentiable SAT/ASP) for multi-model optimization.

Dependency or Span, End-to-End Uniform Semantic Role Labeling

bcmi220/unisrl 16 Jan 2019

Semantic role labeling (SRL) aims to discover the predicateargument structure of a sentence.

Video Relationship Reasoning using Gated Spatio-Temporal Energy Graph

yaohungt/GSTEG_CVPR_2019 CVPR 2019

Visual relationship reasoning is a crucial yet challenging task for understanding rich interactions across visual concepts.

Variational Inference for Sparse Gaussian Process Modulated Hawkes Process

RuiZhang2016/Variational-Inference-for-SGP-Modulated-Hawkes-Process 25 May 2019

We validate the efficiency of our accelerated variational inference schema and practical utility of our tighter ELBO for model selection.

Multi-site fMRI Analysis Using Privacy-preserving Federated Learning and Domain Adaptation: ABIDE Results

xxlya/Fed_ABIDE 16 Jan 2020

However, to effectively train a high-quality deep learning model, the aggregation of a significant amount of patient information is required.