Morphological Tagging

23 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Morphological tagging is the task of assigning labels to a sequence of tokens that describe them morphologically. As compared to Part-of-speech tagging, morphological tagging also considers morphological features, such as case, gender or the tense of verbs.

Sentence Embedding Models for Ancient Greek Using Multilingual Knowledge Distillation

TickleForce/ancient-greek-datasets 24 Aug 2023

In this work, we use a multilingual knowledge distillation approach to train BERT models to produce sentence embeddings for Ancient Greek text.

24 Aug 2023

SanskritShala: A Neural Sanskrit NLP Toolkit with Web-Based Interface for Pedagogical and Annotation Purposes

jivnesh/sanskritshala 19 Feb 2023

We present a neural Sanskrit Natural Language Processing (NLP) toolkit named SanskritShala (a school of Sanskrit) to facilitate computational linguistic analyses for several tasks such as word segmentation, morphological tagging, dependency parsing, and compound type identification.

19 Feb 2023

AlephBERT:A Hebrew Large Pre-Trained Language Model to Start-off your Hebrew NLP Application With

8400thehealthnetwork/hebsafeharbor 8 Apr 2021

Second, there are no accepted tasks and benchmarks to evaluate the progress of Hebrew PLMs on.

08 Apr 2021

Trankit: A Light-Weight Transformer-based Toolkit for Multilingual Natural Language Processing

nlp-uoregon/trankit EACL 2021

Finally, we create a demo video for Trankit at: https://youtu. be/q0KGP3zGjGc.

09 Jan 2021

Tagging and parsing of multidomain collections

AlexeySorokin/GramEval2020 Proceedings of the International Conference “Dialogue 2020” 2020

In this paper we describe our submission to GramEval2020 competition on morphological tagging, lemmatization and dependency parsing.

17 Jun 2020

Evaluating Neural Morphological Taggers for Sanskrit

ashim95/sanskrit-morphological-taggers WS 2020

Neural sequence labelling approaches have achieved state of the art results in morphological tagging.

21 May 2020

Morphological Tagging and Lemmatization of Albanian: A Manually Annotated Corpus and Neural Models

NeldaKote/Albanian-POS 2 Dec 2019

In this paper, we present the first publicly available part-of-speech and morphologically tagged corpus for the Albanian language, as well as a neural morphological tagger and lemmatizer trained on it.

02 Dec 2019

Inforex --- a Collaborative Systemfor Text Corpora Annotation and Analysis Goes Open

CLARIN-PL/Inforex RANLP 2019

In the paper we present the latest changes introduce to Inforex {---} a web-based system for qualitative and collaborative text corpora annotation and analysis.

01 Sep 2019

Morpheus: A Neural Network for Jointly Learning Contextual Lemmatization and Morphological Tagging

erayyildiz/Morpheus WS 2019

In this study, we present Morpheus, a joint contextual lemmatizer and morphological tagger.

01 Aug 2019