Multi-Label Classification

374 papers with code • 10 benchmarks • 28 datasets

Multi-Label Classification is the supervised learning problem where an instance may be associated with multiple labels. This is an extension of single-label classification (i.e., multi-class, or binary) where each instance is only associated with a single class label.

Source: Deep Learning for Multi-label Classification


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Most implemented papers

ImageNet-21K Pretraining for the Masses

Alibaba-MIIL/ImageNet21K 22 Apr 2021

ImageNet-1K serves as the primary dataset for pretraining deep learning models for computer vision tasks.

Node Feature Extraction by Self-Supervised Multi-scale Neighborhood Prediction

amzn/pecos ICLR 2022

We also provide a theoretical analysis that justifies the use of XMC over link prediction and motivates integrating XR-Transformers, a powerful method for solving XMC problems, into the GIANT framework.

Neural Fine-Grained Entity Type Classification with Hierarchy-Aware Loss

billy-inn/NFETC NAACL 2018

The task of Fine-grained Entity Type Classification (FETC) consists of assigning types from a hierarchy to entity mentions in text.

Learning Approximate Inference Networks for Structured Prediction

lifu-tu/ENGINE ICLR 2018

Prior work used gradient descent for inference, relaxing the structured output to a set of continuous variables and then optimizing the energy with respect to them.

Bonsai -- Diverse and Shallow Trees for Extreme Multi-label Classification

xmc-aalto/bonsai 17 Apr 2019

In this paper, we develop a suite of algorithms, called Bonsai, which generalizes the notion of label representation in XMC, and partitions the labels in the representation space to learn shallow trees.

Ludwig: a type-based declarative deep learning toolbox

uber/ludwig 17 Sep 2019

In this work we present Ludwig, a flexible, extensible and easy to use toolbox which allows users to train deep learning models and use them for obtaining predictions without writing code.

TResNet: High Performance GPU-Dedicated Architecture

rwightman/pytorch-image-models 30 Mar 2020

In this work, we introduce a series of architecture modifications that aim to boost neural networks' accuracy, while retaining their GPU training and inference efficiency.

Distribution-Free, Risk-Controlling Prediction Sets

aangelopoulos/rcps 7 Jan 2021

While improving prediction accuracy has been the focus of machine learning in recent years, this alone does not suffice for reliable decision-making.

Deep Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation

0liliulei/hieraseg CVPR 2022

In this paper, we instead address hierarchical semantic segmentation (HSS), which aims at structured, pixel-wise description of visual observation in terms of a class hierarchy.

PIDray: A Large-scale X-ray Benchmark for Real-World Prohibited Item Detection

lutao2021/pidray 19 Nov 2022

Automatic security inspection relying on computer vision technology is a challenging task in real-world scenarios due to many factors, such as intra-class variance, class imbalance, and occlusion.