Multi-label zero-shot learning

12 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 2 datasets

The goal of multi-label classification task is to predict a set of labels in an image. As an extension of zero-shot learning (ZSL), multi-label zero-shot learning (ML-ZSL) is developed to identify multiple seen and unseen labels in an image.

Latest papers with no code

Query-Based Knowledge Sharing for Open-Vocabulary Multi-Label Classification

no code yet • 2 Jan 2024

Identifying labels that did not appear during training, known as multi-label zero-shot learning, is a non-trivial task in computer vision.

GBE-MLZSL: A Group Bi-Enhancement Framework for Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning

no code yet • 2 Sep 2023

That is, in the process of inferring unseen classes, global features represent the principal direction of the image in the feature space, while local features should maintain uniqueness within a certain range.

(ML)$^2$P-Encoder: On Exploration of Channel-Class Correlation for Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning

no code yet • CVPR 2023

Recent studies usually approach multi-label zero-shot learning (MLZSL) with visual-semantic mapping on spatial-class correlation, which can be computationally costly, and worse still, fails to capture fine-grained class-specific semantics.

Open Vocabulary Multi-Label Classification with Dual-Modal Decoder on Aligned Visual-Textual Features

no code yet • 19 Aug 2022

In computer vision, multi-label recognition are important tasks with many real-world applications, but classifying previously unseen labels remains a significant challenge.

Towards Unbiased Multi-label Zero-Shot Learning with Pyramid and Semantic Attention

no code yet • 7 Mar 2022

We argue that disregarding the connection between major and minor classes, i. e., correspond to the global and local information, respectively, is the cause of the problem.

Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning with Transfer-Aware Label Embedding Projection

no code yet • 7 Aug 2018

The approach projects the label embedding vectors into a low-dimensional space to induce better inter-label relationships and explicitly facilitate information transfer from seen labels to unseen labels, while simultaneously learning a max-margin multi-label classifier with the projected label embeddings.

Multi-Label Zero-Shot Human Action Recognition via Joint Latent Ranking Embedding

no code yet • 15 Sep 2017

Our framework holistically tackles the issue of unknown temporal boundaries between different actions for multi-label learning and exploits the side information regarding the semantic relationship between different human actions for knowledge transfer.

Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning via Concept Embedding

no code yet • 1 Jun 2016

Thus, our approach allows both seen and unseen labels during the concept embedding learning to be used in the aforementioned instance mapping, which makes multi-label ZSL more flexible and suitable for real applications.

Fast Zero-Shot Image Tagging

no code yet • CVPR 2016

The well-known word analogy experiments show that the recent word vectors capture fine-grained linguistic regularities in words by linear vector offsets, but it is unclear how well the simple vector offsets can encode visual regularities over words.

Transductive Multi-class and Multi-label Zero-shot Learning

no code yet • 26 Mar 2015

Recently, zero-shot learning (ZSL) has received increasing interest.