Multi-view Subspace Clustering

17 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Enhanced Latent Multi-view Subspace Clustering

caolei2000/elmsc-code 22 Dec 2023

Specifically, we stack the data matrices from various views into the block-diagonal locations of the augmented matrix to exploit the complementary information.

22 Dec 2023

Anchor-based Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Hierarchical Feature Descent

qiyuanou/mvsc-hfd 11 Oct 2023

However, we propose Anchor-based Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Hierarchical Feature Descent(MVSC-HFD) to tackle the discrepancy among views through hierarchical feature descent and project to a common subspace( STAGE 1), which reveals dependency of different views.

11 Oct 2023

Multi-view MERA Subspace Clustering

longzhen520/mera-msc 16 May 2023

Benefiting from multiple interactions among orthogonal/semi-orthogonal (low-rank) factors, the low-rank MERA has a strong representation power to capture the complex inter/intra-view information in the self-representation tensor.

16 May 2023

Deep Multi-View Subspace Clustering with Anchor Graph

gzcch/DMCAG 11 May 2023

To significantly reduce the complexity, we construct an anchor graph with small size for each view.

11 May 2023

Seeking Commonness and Inconsistencies: A Jointly Smoothed Approach to Multi-view Subspace Clustering

huangdonghere/jsmc 15 Mar 2022

Second, many of them overlook the local structures of multiple views and cannot jointly leverage multiple local structures to enhance the subspace representation learning.

15 Mar 2022

High-order Correlation Preserved Incomplete Multi-view Subspace Clustering

guanyuezhen/HCP-IMSC IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2022

Specifically, multiple affinity matrices constructed from the incomplete multi-view data are treated as a thirdorder low rank tensor with a tensor factorization regularization which preserves the high-order view correlation and sample correlation.

21 Feb 2022

Fine-grained Graph Learning for Multi-view Subspace Clustering

siriuslay/FGL-MSC 12 Jan 2022

To utilize the multi-view information sufficiently, we design a specific graph learning method by introducing graph regularization and a local structure fusion pattern.

12 Jan 2022

Smoothed Multi-View Subspace Clustering

EricliuLiang/SMVSC 18 Jun 2021

In recent years, multi-view subspace clustering has achieved impressive performance due to the exploitation of complementary imformation across multiple views.

18 Jun 2021

Unbalanced Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via the Scheme of View Evolution: Weak Views are Meat; Strong Views do Eat

ZeusDavide/TETCI_UIMC 20 Nov 2020

However, different views often have distinct incompleteness, i. e., unbalanced incompleteness, which results in strong views (low-incompleteness views) and weak views (high-incompleteness views).

20 Nov 2020

Multi-view Subspace Clustering Networks with Local and Global Graph Information

ZQH92/MSCNLG 19 Oct 2020

Furthermore, underlying graph information of multi-view data is always ignored in most existing multi-view subspace clustering methods.

19 Oct 2020