Multimedia Generative Script Learning

1 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Given an activity goal $G$, an optional subgoal $M$ that specifies the concrete needs, and the previous multimedia step history $H_n={(S_1,V_1),...,(S_n,V_n)}$ with length $n$, a model is expected to predict the next possible step $S_{n+1}$, where $S_i$ is a text sequence and $V_i$ is an image.

Most implemented papers

Multimedia Generative Script Learning for Task Planning

EagleW/Multimedia-Generative-Script-Learning-for-Task-Planning 25 Aug 2022

Goal-oriented generative script learning aims to generate subsequent steps to reach a particular goal, which is an essential task to assist robots or humans in performing stereotypical activities.