Multiple Object Tracking with Transformer
6 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets
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MOTRv2: Bootstrapping End-to-End Multi-Object Tracking by Pretrained Object Detectors
In this paper, we propose MOTRv2, a simple yet effective pipeline to bootstrap end-to-end multi-object tracking with a pretrained object detector.
The 1st-place Solution for ECCV 2022 Multiple People Tracking in Group Dance Challenge
We present our 1st place solution to the Group Dance Multiple People Tracking Challenge.
TransTrack: Multiple Object Tracking with Transformer
In this work, we propose TransTrack, a simple but efficient scheme to solve the multiple object tracking problems.
MOTR: End-to-End Multiple-Object Tracking with Transformer
Temporal modeling of objects is a key challenge in multiple object tracking (MOT).
MOT20: A benchmark for multi object tracking in crowded scenes
The benchmark for Multiple Object Tracking, MOTChallenge, was launched with the goal to establish a standardized evaluation of multiple object tracking methods.
Strong-TransCenter: Improved Multi-Object Tracking based on Transformers with Dense Representations
Transformer networks have been a focus of research in many fields in recent years, being able to surpass the state-of-the-art performance in different computer vision tasks.