Nested Named Entity Recognition

44 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 11 datasets

Nested named entity recognition is a subtask of information extraction that seeks to locate and classify nested named entities (i.e., hierarchically structured entities) mentioned in unstructured text (Source: Adapted from Wikipedia).

DepNeCTI: Dependency-based Nested Compound Type Identification for Sanskrit

yaswanth-iitkgp/depnecti 14 Oct 2023

This work introduces the novel task of nested compound type identification (NeCTI), which aims to identify nested spans of a multi-component compound and decode the implicit semantic relations between them.

14 Oct 2023

Comparing and combining some popular NER approaches on Biomedical tasks

flyingmothman/bionlp 30 May 2023

Lastly, we implement a system that learns to combine the predictions of SEQ and SpanPred, generating systems that consistently give high recall and high F1 across all 4 datasets.

30 May 2023

PromptNER: Prompt Locating and Typing for Named Entity Recognition

tricktreat/promptner 26 May 2023

Prompt learning is a new paradigm for utilizing pre-trained language models and has achieved great success in many tasks.

26 May 2023

DiffusionNER: Boundary Diffusion for Named Entity Recognition

tricktreat/diffusionner 22 May 2023

In this paper, we propose DiffusionNER, which formulates the named entity recognition task as a boundary-denoising diffusion process and thus generates named entities from noisy spans.

22 May 2023

End-to-End Entity Detection with Proposer and Regressor

Rosenberg37/EntityDetection 19 Oct 2022

Named entity recognition is a traditional task in natural language processing.

19 Oct 2022

Type-supervised sequence labeling based on the heterogeneous star graph for named entity recognition

Rosenberg37/GraphNER 19 Oct 2022

Named entity recognition is a fundamental task in natural language processing, identifying the span and category of entities in unstructured texts.

19 Oct 2022

Optimizing Bi-Encoder for Named Entity Recognition via Contrastive Learning

microsoft/binder 30 Aug 2022

We present a bi-encoder framework for named entity recognition (NER), which applies contrastive learning to map candidate text spans and entity types into the same vector representation space.

30 Aug 2022

An Embarrassingly Easy but Strong Baseline for Nested Named Entity Recognition

yhcc/cnn_nested_ner 9 Aug 2022

In this paper, we propose using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to model these spatial relations in the score matrix.

09 Aug 2022

RuNNE-2022 Shared Task: Recognizing Nested Named Entities

dialogue-evaluation/runne 23 May 2022

In the test set the frequency of all entity types is even.

23 May 2022

Wojood: Nested Arabic Named Entity Corpus and Recognition using BERT

SinaLab/ArabicNER LREC 2022

This paper presents Wojood, a corpus for Arabic nested Named Entity Recognition (NER).

19 May 2022