Text based Person Retrieval

26 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Dual-Path Convolutional Image-Text Embeddings with Instance Loss

layumi/Image-Text-Embedding 15 Nov 2017

In this paper, we propose a new system to discriminatively embed the image and text to a shared visual-textual space.

ViTAA: Visual-Textual Attributes Alignment in Person Search by Natural Language

Jarr0d/ViTAA ECCV 2020

Person search by natural language aims at retrieving a specific person in a large-scale image pool that matches the given textual descriptions.

Contextual Non-Local Alignment over Full-Scale Representation for Text-Based Person Search

TencentYoutuResearch/PersonReID-NAFS 8 Jan 2021

Secondly, a BERT with locality-constrained attention is proposed to obtain representations of descriptions at different scales.

Learning Granularity-Unified Representations for Text-to-Image Person Re-identification

zhiyinshao-h/lgur 16 Jul 2022

In PGU, we adopt a set of shared and learnable prototypes as the queries to extract diverse and semantically aligned features for both modalities in the granularity-unified feature space, which further promotes the ReID performance.

PGDS: Pose-Guidance Deep Supervision for Mitigating Clothes-Changing in Person Re-Identification

huyquoctrinh/pgds 9 Dec 2023

Person Re-Identification (Re-ID) task seeks to enhance the tracking of multiple individuals by surveillance cameras.

Person Search with Natural Language Description

ShuangLI59/Person-Search-with-Natural-Language-Description CVPR 2017

Searching persons in large-scale image databases with the query of natural language description has important applications in video surveillance.

Deep Cross-Modal Projection Learning for Image-Text Matching

YingZhangDUT/Cross-Modal-Projection-Learning ECCV 2018

The key point of image-text matching is how to accurately measure the similarity between visual and textual inputs.

TIPCB: A Simple but Effective Part-based Convolutional Baseline for Text-based Person Search

OrangeYHChen/TIPCB 25 May 2021

Text-based person search is a sub-task in the field of image retrieval, which aims to retrieve target person images according to a given textual description.

Semantically Self-Aligned Network for Text-to-Image Part-aware Person Re-identification

zifyloo/SSAN 27 Jul 2021

Third, we introduce a Compound Ranking (CR) loss that makes use of textual descriptions for other images of the same identity to provide extra supervision, thereby effectively reducing the intra-class variance in textual features.

DSSL: Deep Surroundings-person Separation Learning for Text-based Person Retrieval

njtechcvlab/rstpreid-dataset 12 Sep 2021

Many previous methods on text-based person retrieval tasks are devoted to learning a latent common space mapping, with the purpose of extracting modality-invariant features from both visual and textual modality.