Normalising Flows
24 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets
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Most implemented papers
Block Neural Autoregressive Flow
Recently, as an alternative to hand-crafted bijections, Huang et al. (2018) proposed neural autoregressive flow (NAF) which is a universal approximator for density functions.
MoGlow: Probabilistic and controllable motion synthesis using normalising flows
Data-driven modelling and synthesis of motion is an active research area with applications that include animation, games, and social robotics.
Relaxing Bijectivity Constraints with Continuously Indexed Normalising Flows
We show that normalising flows become pathological when used to model targets whose supports have complicated topologies.
Deep Structural Causal Models for Tractable Counterfactual Inference
We formulate a general framework for building structural causal models (SCMs) with deep learning components.
Implicit Weight Uncertainty in Neural Networks
Modern neural networks tend to be overconfident on unseen, noisy or incorrectly labelled data and do not produce meaningful uncertainty measures.
OverFlow: Putting flows on top of neural transducers for better TTS
Neural HMMs are a type of neural transducer recently proposed for sequence-to-sequence modelling in text-to-speech.
The Neural Moving Average Model for Scalable Variational Inference of State Space Models
Variational inference has had great success in scaling approximate Bayesian inference to big data by exploiting mini-batch training.
VFlow: More Expressive Generative Flows with Variational Data Augmentation
Generative flows are promising tractable models for density modeling that define probabilistic distributions with invertible transformations.
Woodbury Transformations for Deep Generative Flows
In this paper, we introduce Woodbury transformations, which achieve efficient invertibility via the Woodbury matrix identity and efficient determinant calculation via Sylvester's determinant identity.
Style-Controllable Speech-Driven Gesture Synthesis Using Normalising Flows
In interactive scenarios, systems for generating natural animations on the fly are key to achieving believable and relatable characters.