Occlusion Handling
19 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets
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Most implemented papers
What Matters in Unsupervised Optical Flow
We systematically compare and analyze a set of key components in unsupervised optical flow to identify which photometric loss, occlusion handling, and smoothness regularization is most effective.
AeroRIT: A New Scene for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
We investigate applying convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture to facilitate aerial hyperspectral scene understanding and present a new hyperspectral dataset-AeroRIT-that is large enough for CNN training.
Track Initialization and Re-Identification for~3D Multi-View Multi-Object Tracking
Specifically, we exploit the 2D detections and extracted features from multiple cameras to provide a better approximation of the multi-object filtering density to realize the track initiation/termination and re-identification functionalities.
Visual Multi-Object Tracking with Re-Identification and Occlusion Handling using Labeled Random Finite Sets
In occlusion handling, the filter's efficacy is dictated by trade-offs between the sophistication of the occlusion model and computational demand.
EM-Fusion: Dynamic Object-Level SLAM with Probabilistic Data Association
The majority of approaches for acquiring dense 3D environment maps with RGB-D cameras assumes static environments or rejects moving objects as outliers.
How to track your dragon: A Multi-Attentional Framework for real-time RGB-D 6-DOF Object Pose Tracking
We present a novel multi-attentional convolutional architecture to tackle the problem of real-time RGB-D 6D object pose tracking of single, known objects.
Vid2Curve: Simultaneous Camera Motion Estimation and Thin Structure Reconstruction from an RGB Video
We propose the first approach that simultaneously estimates camera motion and reconstructs the geometry of complex 3D thin structures in high quality from a color video captured by a handheld camera.
Level Set Stereo for Cooperative Grouping with Occlusion
We introduce an energy and level-set optimizer that improves boundaries by encoding the essential geometry of occlusions: The spatial extent of an occlusion must equal the amplitude of the disparity jump that causes it.
Symmetric Parallax Attention for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
Although recent years have witnessed the great advances in stereo image super-resolution (SR), the beneficial information provided by binocular systems has not been fully used.
Simple online and real-time tracking with occlusion handling
In contrast, there are algorithms that only use motion cues to increase speed, especially for online applications.