Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition

2 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Handwritten Chinese characters recognition is the task of detecting and interpreting the components of Chinese characters (i.e. radicals and two-dimensional structures).


Most implemented papers

High Performance Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Using GoogLeNet and Directional Feature Maps

zhongzhuoyao/HCCR-GoogLeNet 19 May 2015

We design a streamlined version of GoogLeNet [13], which was original proposed for image classification in recent years with very deep architecture, for HCCR (denoted as HCCR-GoogLeNet).

A High-Performance CNN Method for Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition and Visualization

pavlo-melnyk/offline-HCCR 30 Dec 2018

Recent researches introduced fast, compact and efficient convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for offline handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR).