One-class classifier

24 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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Dynamic Decision Boundary for One-class Classifiers applied to non-uniformly Sampled Data

artelabsuper/ocdmst 5 Apr 2020

A typical issue in Pattern Recognition is the non-uniformly sampled data, which modifies the general performance and capability of machine learning algorithms to make accurate predictions.

Old is Gold: Redefining the Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier Training Paradigm

xaggi/OGNet CVPR 2020

Another possible approach is to use both generator and discriminator for anomaly detection.

COVID-19-CT-CXR: a freely accessible and weakly labeled chest X-ray and CT image collection on COVID-19 from biomedical literature

ncbi-nlp/COVID-19-CT-CXR 11 Jun 2020

(1) We show that COVID-19-CT-CXR, when used as additional training data, is able to contribute to improved DL performance for the classification of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 CT. (2) We collected CT images of influenza and trained a DL baseline to distinguish a diagnosis of COVID-19, influenza, or normal or other types of diseases on CT. (3) We trained an unsupervised one-class classifier from non-COVID-19 CXR and performed anomaly detection to detect COVID-19 CXR.

Few-Shot One-Class Classification via Meta-Learning

AhmedFrikha/Few-Shot-One-Class-Classification-via-Meta-Learning 8 Jul 2020

Our experiments on eight datasets from the image and time-series domains show that our method leads to better results than classical OCC and few-shot classification approaches, and demonstrate the ability to learn unseen tasks from only few normal class samples.

Quantum One-class Classification With a Distance-based Classifier

lucasponteslpa/QOCClassifier 31 Jul 2020

We present a new classifier based on HC named Quantum One-class Classifier (QOCC) that consists of a minimal quantum machine learning model with fewer operations and qubits, thus being able to mitigate errors from NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) computers.

ARCADe: A Rapid Continual Anomaly Detector

AhmedFrikha/ARCADe-A-Rapid-Continual-Anomaly-Detector 10 Aug 2020

Although continual learning and anomaly detection have separately been well-studied in previous works, their intersection remains rather unexplored.

Learning and Evaluating Representations for Deep One-class Classification

google-research/deep_representation_one_class ICLR 2021

We first learn self-supervised representations from one-class data, and then build one-class classifiers on learned representations.

Shell Theory: A Statistical Model of Reality

wen-yan-lin/shell-theory IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2021

The foundational assumption of machine learning is that the data under consideration is separable into classes; while intuitively reasonable, separability constraints have proven remarkably difficult to formulate mathematically.

Exemplar-free Class Incremental Learning via Discriminative and Comparable One-class Classifiers

SunWenJu123/DCPOC 5 Jan 2022

DisCOIL follows the basic principle of POC, but it adopts variational auto-encoders (VAE) instead of other well-established one-class classifiers (e. g. deep SVDD), because a trained VAE can not only identify the probability of an input sample belonging to a class but also generate pseudo samples of the class to assist in learning new tasks.

SIFT and SURF based feature extraction for the anomaly detection

boortel/sift-and-surf-based-ad 24 Mar 2022

In this paper, we suggest a way, how to use SIFT and SURF algorithms to extract the image features for anomaly detection.