Open-Domain Question Answering

195 papers with code • 15 benchmarks • 26 datasets

Open-domain question answering is the task of question answering on open-domain datasets such as Wikipedia.


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Latest papers with no code

Self-DC: When to retrieve and When to generate? Self Divide-and-Conquer for Compositional Unknown Questions

no code yet • 21 Feb 2024

Retrieve-then-read and generate-then-read are two typical solutions to handle unknown and known questions in open-domain question-answering, while the former retrieves necessary external knowledge and the later prompt the large language models to generate internal known knowledge encoded in the parameters.

BlendFilter: Advancing Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models via Query Generation Blending and Knowledge Filtering

no code yet • 16 Feb 2024

Retrieval-augmented Large Language Models (LLMs) offer substantial benefits in enhancing performance across knowledge-intensive scenarios.

A Dataset of Open-Domain Question Answering with Multiple-Span Answers

no code yet • 15 Feb 2024

Multi-span answer extraction, also known as the task of multi-span question answering (MSQA), is critical for real-world applications, as it requires extracting multiple pieces of information from a text to answer complex questions.

VerAs: Verify then Assess STEM Lab Reports

no code yet • 7 Feb 2024

With an increasing focus in STEM education on critical thinking skills, science writing plays an ever more important role in curricula that stress inquiry skills.

A Chain-of-Thought Is as Strong as Its Weakest Link: A Benchmark for Verifiers of Reasoning Chains

no code yet • 1 Feb 2024

REVEAL includes comprehensive labels for the relevance, attribution to evidence passages, and logical correctness of each reasoning step in a language model's answer, across a variety of datasets and state-of-the-art language models.

CFMatch: Aligning Automated Answer Equivalence Evaluation with Expert Judgments For Open-Domain Question Answering

no code yet • 24 Jan 2024

Question answering (QA) can only make progress if we know if an answer is correct, but for many of the most challenging and interesting QA examples, current evaluation metrics to determine answer equivalence (AE) often do not align with human judgments, particularly more verbose, free-form answers from large language models (LLM).

Narrowing the Knowledge Evaluation Gap: Open-Domain Question Answering with Multi-Granularity Answers

no code yet • 9 Jan 2024

In this work, we propose GRANOLA QA, a novel evaluation setting where a predicted answer is evaluated in terms of accuracy and informativeness against a set of multi-granularity answers.

Dynamic Retrieval-Augmented Generation

no code yet • 14 Dec 2023

Our approach achieves several targets: (1) lifting the length limitations of the context window, saving on the prompt size; (2) allowing huge expansion of the number of retrieval entities available for the context; (3) alleviating the problem of misspelling or failing to find relevant entity names.

Hint-enhanced In-Context Learning wakes Large Language Models up for knowledge-intensive tasks

no code yet • 3 Nov 2023

In-context learning (ICL) ability has emerged with the increasing scale of large language models (LLMs), enabling them to learn input-label mappings from demonstrations and perform well on downstream tasks.

DIVKNOWQA: Assessing the Reasoning Ability of LLMs via Open-Domain Question Answering over Knowledge Base and Text

no code yet • 31 Oct 2023

Moreover, a significant gap in the current landscape is the absence of a realistic benchmark for evaluating the effectiveness of grounding LLMs on heterogeneous knowledge sources (e. g., knowledge base and text).