Open Set Learning

88 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Traditional supervised learning aims to train a classifier in the closed-set world, where training and test samples share the same label space. Open set learning (OSL) is a more challenging and realistic setting, where there exist test samples from the classes that are unseen during training. Open set recognition (OSR) is the sub-task of detecting test samples which do not come from the training.


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Most implemented papers

Distill-SODA: Distilling Self-Supervised Vision Transformer for Source-Free Open-Set Domain Adaptation in Computational Pathology

lts5/distill-soda 10 Jul 2023

Developing computational pathology models is essential for reducing manual tissue typing from whole slide images, transferring knowledge from the source domain to an unlabeled, shifted target domain, and identifying unseen categories.

Pairwise Similarity Learning is SimPLE

ydwen/opensphere ICCV 2023

In this paper, we focus on a general yet important learning problem, pairwise similarity learning (PSL).

Open-Set Image Tagging with Multi-Grained Text Supervision

xinyu1205/recognize-anything 23 Oct 2023

Specifically, for predefined commonly used tag categories, RAM++ showcases 10. 2 mAP and 15. 4 mAP enhancements over CLIP on OpenImages and ImageNet.

Sparse Representation-based Open Set Recognition

hezhangsprinter/SROSR 6 May 2017

We propose a generalized Sparse Representation- based Classification (SRC) algorithm for open set recognition where not all classes presented during testing are known during training.

AP18-OLR Challenge: Three Tasks and Their Baselines

Rithmax/Sub-band-Envelope-Features-Using-Frequency-Domain-Linear-Prediction 2 Jun 2018

The third oriental language recognition (OLR) challenge AP18-OLR is introduced in this paper, including the data profile, the tasks and the evaluation principles.

Classification-Reconstruction Learning for Open-Set Recognition

saketd403/CROSR CVPR 2019

Existing open-set classifiers rely on deep networks trained in a supervised manner on known classes in the training set; this causes specialization of learned representations to known classes and makes it hard to distinguish unknowns from knowns.

An Open-set Recognition and Few-Shot Learning Dataset for Audio Event Classification in Domestic Environments

machine-listeners-valencia/fsl_osr_dataset_baseline 26 Feb 2020

This paper is aimed at poviding the audio recognition community with a carefully annotated dataset (https://zenodo. org/record/3689288) for FSL in an OSR context comprised of 1360 clips from 34 classes divided into pattern sounds} and unwanted sounds.

Conditional Gaussian Distribution Learning for Open Set Recognition

loganriggs/conditionalGaussionRecreation CVPR 2020

A typical challenge is that unknown samples may be fed into the system during the testing phase and traditional deep neural networks will wrongly recognize the unknown sample as one of the known classes.

Class Anchor Clustering: a Loss for Distance-based Open Set Recognition

dimitymiller/cac-openset 6 Apr 2020

We also show that our anchored class centres achieve higher open set performance than learnt class centres, particularly on object-based datasets and large numbers of training classes.

Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition using Meta-Learning

BoLiu-SVCL/meta-open CVPR 2020

It is argued that the classic softmax classifier is a poor solution for open-set recognition, since it tends to overfit on the training classes.