Overall - Test

8 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Comparative study of deep learning methods for the automatic segmentation of lung, lesion and lesion type in CT scans of COVID-19 patients

endo-angel/ct-angel 29 Jul 2020

There is an increasing number of studies that propose to use deep learning to provide fast and accurate quantification of COVID-19 using chest CT scans.

FreeLB: Enhanced Adversarial Training for Natural Language Understanding

zhuchen03/FreeLB ICLR 2020

Adversarial training, which minimizes the maximal risk for label-preserving input perturbations, has proved to be effective for improving the generalization of language models.

Localizing Open-Ontology QA Semantic Parsers in a Day Using Machine Translation

stanford-oval/SPL EMNLP 2020

We propose Semantic Parser Localizer (SPL), a toolkit that leverages Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems to localize a semantic parser for a new language.

Using Interactive Feedback to Improve the Accuracy and Explainability of Question Answering Systems Post-Deployment

McGill-NLP/feedbackqa Findings (ACL) 2022

We train a neural model with this feedback data that can generate explanations and re-score answer candidates.

Amplifying Membership Exposure via Data Poisoning

yfchen1994/poisoning_membership 1 Nov 2022

In this paper, we investigate the third type of exploitation of data poisoning - increasing the risks of privacy leakage of benign training samples.

Have LLMs Advanced Enough? A Challenging Problem Solving Benchmark For Large Language Models

hgaurav2k/jeebench 24 May 2023

In response, we present JEEBench, a considerably more challenging benchmark dataset for evaluating the problem solving abilities of LLMs.

Transferable Availability Poisoning Attacks

trustmlrg/transpoison 8 Oct 2023

We consider availability data poisoning attacks, where an adversary aims to degrade the overall test accuracy of a machine learning model by crafting small perturbations to its training data.

Small Language Models Fine-tuned to Coordinate Larger Language Models improve Complex Reasoning

lcs2-iiitd/daslam 21 Oct 2023

Additionally, we show that DaSLaM is not limited by the solver's capabilities as a function of scale; e. g., solver LMs with diverse sizes give significant performance improvement with our solver-agnostic decomposition technique.