Pain Intensity Regression

3 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Regularizing Face Verification Nets For Pain Intensity Regression

happynear/PainRegression 22 Feb 2017

In this way, the expression intensity regression task can benefit from the rich feature representations trained on a huge amount of data for face verification.

Pain Evaluation in Video using Extended Multitask Learning from Multidimensional Measurements

xiaojngxu/ExtendedMTL4Pain 13 Dec 2019

Previous work on automated pain detection from facial expressions has primarily focused on frame-level pain metrics based on specific facial muscle activations, such as Prkachin and Solomon Pain Intensity (PSPI).

Unobtrusive Pain Monitoring in Older Adults with Dementia using Pairwise and Contrastive Training

TaatiTeam/pain_detection_demo 8 Jan 2021

However, existing computer vision techniques for pain detection are not validated on faces of older adults or people with dementia, and this population is not represented in existing facial expression datasets of pain.