Patch Matching

32 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 4 datasets

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Most implemented papers

A Large Dataset for Improving Patch Matching

rmitra/PS-Dataset 4 Jan 2018

Similarly on the Strecha dataset, we see an improvement of 3-5% for the matching task in non-planar scenes.

TS-Net: Combining modality specific and common features for multimodal patch matching

ensv/TS-Net 5 Jun 2018

Multimodal patch matching addresses the problem of finding the correspondences between image patches from two different modalities, e. g. RGB vs sketch or RGB vs near-infrared.

CrossNet: An End-to-end Reference-based Super Resolution Network using Cross-scale Warping

htzheng/ECCV2018_CrossNet_RefSR ECCV 2018

The Reference-based Super-resolution (RefSR) super-resolves a low-resolution (LR) image given an external high-resolution (HR) reference image, where the reference image and LR image share similar viewpoint but with significant resolution gap x8.

Semi-Supervised Learning for Face Sketch Synthesis in the Wild

chaofengc/Face-Sketch-Wild 12 Dec 2018

Instead of supervising the network with ground truth sketches, we first perform patch matching in feature space between the input photo and photos in a small reference set of photo-sketch pairs.

SOLAR: Second-Order Loss and Attention for Image Retrieval

tonyngjichun/SOLAR ECCV 2020

One is focused on second-order spatial information to increase the performance of image descriptors, both local and global.

On Translation Invariance in CNNs: Convolutional Layers can Exploit Absolute Spatial Location

oskyhn/CNNs-Without-Borders CVPR 2020

In this paper we challenge the common assumption that convolutional layers in modern CNNs are translation invariant.

Naive-Student: Leveraging Semi-Supervised Learning in Video Sequences for Urban Scene Segmentation

tensorflow/models ECCV 2020

We view this work as a notable step towards building a simple procedure to harness unlabeled video sequences and extra images to surpass state-of-the-art performance on core computer vision tasks.

HyNet: Learning Local Descriptor with Hybrid Similarity Measure and Triplet Loss

yuruntian/HyNet NeurIPS 2020

Recent works show that local descriptor learning benefits from the use of L2 normalisation, however, an in-depth analysis of this effect lacks in the literature.

Attention-Based Multimodal Image Matching

CodeJjang/multiscale-attention-patch-matching 20 Mar 2021

We propose an attention-based approach for multimodal image patch matching using a Transformer encoder attending to the feature maps of a multiscale Siamese CNN.

Patch Craft: Video Denoising by Deep Modeling and Patch Matching

grishavak/PaCNet-denoiser ICCV 2021

Our algorithm augments video sequences with patch-craft frames and feeds them to a CNN.