Point Cloud Generation

44 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Most implemented papers

PointGrow: Autoregressively Learned Point Cloud Generation with Self-Attention

syb7573330/PointGrow 12 Oct 2018

Generating 3D point clouds is challenging yet highly desired.

Deep Generative Modeling of LiDAR Data

pclucas14/lidar_generation 4 Dec 2018

In this work, we show that one can adapt deep generative models for this task by unravelling lidar scans into a 2D point map.

Learning Localized Generative Models for 3D Point Clouds via Graph Convolution

diegovalsesia/GraphCNN-GAN ICLR 2019

We also study the problem of defining an upsampling layer in the graph-convolutional generator, such that it learns to exploit a self-similarity prior on the data distribution to sample more effectively.

LiDAR Sensor modeling and Data augmentation with GANs for Autonomous driving

ahmadelsallab/lidargan 17 May 2019

Simulators are often used for data augmentation, which requires realistic sensor models that are hard to formulate and model in closed forms.

Spectral-GANs for High-Resolution 3D Point-cloud Generation

samgregoost/Spectral-GAN 4 Dec 2019

Point-clouds are a popular choice for vision and graphics tasks due to their accurate shape description and direct acquisition from range-scanners.

A Rotation-Invariant Framework for Deep Point Cloud Analysis

nini-lxz/Rotation-Invariant-Point-Cloud-Analysis 16 Mar 2020

Recently, many deep neural networks were designed to process 3D point clouds, but a common drawback is that rotation invariance is not ensured, leading to poor generalization to arbitrary orientations.

Energy-Based Processes for Exchangeable Data

google-research/google-research ICML 2020

Recently there has been growing interest in modeling sets with exchangeability such as point clouds.

Generative PointNet: Deep Energy-Based Learning on Unordered Point Sets for 3D Generation, Reconstruction and Classification

fei960922/GPointNet CVPR 2021

We propose a generative model of unordered point sets, such as point clouds, in the form of an energy-based model, where the energy function is parameterized by an input-permutation-invariant bottom-up neural network.

SoftFlow: Probabilistic Framework for Normalizing Flow on Manifolds

ANLGBOY/SoftFlow NeurIPS 2020

Flow-based generative models are composed of invertible transformations between two random variables of the same dimension.

Conditional Set Generation with Transformers

LukeBolly/tf-tspn 26 Jun 2020

An example of such a generator is the DeepSet Prediction Network (DSPN).