Protein Folding

38 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

TorchProteinLibrary: A computationally efficient, differentiable representation of protein structure

lupoglaz/TorchProteinLibrary 23 Nov 2018

Predicting the structure of a protein from its sequence is a cornerstone task of molecular biology.

Geometric constraints in protein folding

ppxasjsm/Geometric-constraints-protein-folding 23 Dec 2018

The intricate three-dimensional geometries of protein tertiary structures underlie protein function and emerge through a folding process from one-dimensional chains of amino acids.

DeepDriveMD: Deep-Learning Driven Adaptive Molecular Simulations for Protein Folding

braceal/DeepDriveMD 17 Sep 2019

Our study provides a quantitative basis to understand how DL driven MD simulations, can lead to effective performance gains and reduced times to solution on supercomputing resources.

Message Scheduling for Performant, Many-Core Belief Propagation

mvandermerwe/BP-GPU-Message-Scheduling 24 Sep 2019

Belief Propagation (BP) is a message-passing algorithm for approximate inference over Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs), finding many applications such as computer vision, error-correcting codes, and protein-folding.

GraphQA: Protein Model Quality Assessment using Graph Convolutional Network

baldassarrefe/protein-quality-gn 25 Sep 2019

Proteins are ubiquitous molecules whose function in biological processes is determined by their 3D structure.

Generative Models for Graph-Based Protein Design

jingraham/neurips19-graph-protein-design ICLR Workshop DeepGenStruct 2019

Engineered proteins offer the potential to solve many problems in biomedicine, energy, and materials science, but creating designs that succeed is difficult in practice.

PolyFold: an interactive visual simulator for distance-based protein folding

Bhattacharya-Lab/PolyFold 14 Feb 2020

Here we present PolyFold, an interactive visual simulator for dynamically capturing the distance-based protein folding process through real-time rendering of a distance matrix and its compatible spatial conformation as it folds in an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

TG-GAN: Continuous-time Temporal Graph Generation with Deep Generative Models

tongjiyiming/TGGAN 17 May 2020

The recent deep generative models for static graphs that are now being actively developed have achieved significant success in areas such as molecule design.

A fast and simple modification of Newton's method helping to avoid saddle points

hphuongdhsp/Q-Newton-method 2 Jun 2020

The main result of this paper roughly says that if $f$ is $C^3$ (can be unbounded from below) and a sequence $\{x_n\}$, constructed by the New Q-Newton's method from a random initial point $x_0$, {\bf converges}, then the limit point is a critical point and is not a saddle point, and the convergence rate is the same as that of Newton's method.

Intrinsic-Extrinsic Convolution and Pooling for Learning on 3D Protein Structures

phermosilla/IEConv_proteins ICLR 2021

Proteins perform a large variety of functions in living organisms, thus playing a key role in biology.