Quantum State Tomography

12 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Quantum tomography benchmarking

PQCLab/pyQTB 31 Dec 2020

As a validation of the proposed methodology and software, we analyzed and compared a set of QT methods.

Fast Minimization of Expected Logarithmic Loss via Stochastic Dual Averaging

chungentsai/mlqst 5 Nov 2023

For the Poisson inverse problem, our algorithm attains an $\varepsilon$-optimal solution in $\smash{\tilde{O}}(d^2/\varepsilon^2)$ time, matching the state of the art, where $d$ denotes the dimension.

Variational Quantum Circuits for Quantum State Tomography

iisharankov/QuantumStateTomography 16 Dec 2019

We demonstrate our method by performing numerical simulations for the tomography of the ground state of a one-dimensional quantum spin chain, using a variational quantum circuit simulator.

Self-Concordant Analysis of Frank-Wolfe Algorithms

kamil-safin/SCFW 11 Feb 2020

Projection-free optimization via different variants of the Frank-Wolfe (FW), a. k. a.

Quantum State Tomography with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

quantshah/qst-cgan 7 Aug 2020

We augment a CGAN with custom neural-network layers that enable conversion of output from any standard neural network into a physical density matrix.

Classification and reconstruction of optical quantum states with deep neural networks

quantshah/qst-nn 3 Dec 2020

For pure states with additive or convolutional Gaussian noise, the QST-CGAN is able to adapt to the noise and reconstruct the underlying state.

Spin qudit tomography and state reconstruction error

perlinm/spin_qudit_tomography 11 Dec 2020

We consider the task of performing quantum state tomography on a $d$-level spin qudit, using only measurements of spin projection onto different quantization axes.

NetKet 3: Machine Learning Toolbox for Many-Body Quantum Systems

netket/netket 20 Dec 2021

We introduce version 3 of NetKet, the machine learning toolbox for many-body quantum physics.

Faster Stochastic First-Order Method for Maximum-Likelihood Quantum State Tomography

chungentsai/pip 23 Nov 2022

In maximum-likelihood quantum state tomography, both the sample size and dimension grow exponentially with the number of qubits.

MORE: Measurement and Correlation Based Variational Quantum Circuit for Multi-classification

jindi0/more 21 Jul 2023

MORE adopts the same variational ansatz as binary classifiers while performing multi-classification by fully utilizing the quantum information of a single readout qubit.