Radar odometry

4 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Radar odometry is the task of estimating the trajectory of the radar sensor, e.g. as presented in https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.01457. A well established performance metric was presented by Geiger (2012) - "Are we ready for autonomous driving? the KITTI vision benchmark suite"

Most implemented papers

Under the Radar: Learning to Predict Robust Keypoints for Odometry Estimation and Metric Localisation in Radar

utiasASRL/hero_radar_odometry 29 Jan 2020

This paper presents a self-supervised framework for learning to detect robust keypoints for odometry estimation and metric localisation in radar.

MVP: Unified Motion and Visual Self-Supervised Learning for Large-Scale Robotic Navigation

mchancan/citylearn 2 Mar 2020

Our experimental results, on traversals of the Oxford RobotCar dataset with no GPS data, show that MVP can achieve 53% and 93% navigation success rate using VO and RO, respectively, compared to 7% for a vision-only method.

Successive Pose Estimation and Beam Tracking for mmWave Vehicular Communication Systems

Cen-Liu/Fast-CFEAR-Radar-Odometry 30 Jul 2023

Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed SPEBT scheme is capable of providing precise pose estimation information and accurate beam tracking output, while reducing the proportion of beam training overhead to less than 5% averagely.