Real-time Instance Segmentation

22 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 5 datasets

Similar to its parent task, instance segmentation, but with the goal of achieving real-time capabilities under a defined setting.

Image Credit: SipMask: Spatial Information Preservation for Fast Image and Video Instance Segmentation


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2 papers

Most implemented papers

Deep Snake for Real-Time Instance Segmentation

zju3dv/snake CVPR 2020

Based on deep snake, we develop a two-stage pipeline for instance segmentation: initial contour proposal and contour deformation, which can handle errors in object localization.

CenterMask: Real-Time Anchor-Free Instance Segmentation

youngwanLEE/CenterMask CVPR 2020

We propose a simple yet efficient anchor-free instance segmentation, called CenterMask, that adds a novel spatial attention-guided mask (SAG-Mask) branch to anchor-free one stage object detector (FCOS) in the same vein with Mask R-CNN.

SipMask: Spatial Information Preservation for Fast Image and Video Instance Segmentation

JialeCao001/SipMask ECCV 2020

In terms of real-time capabilities, SipMask outperforms YOLACT with an absolute gain of 3. 0% (mask AP) under similar settings, while operating at comparable speed on a Titan Xp.

Deep Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation with Overlapping BiLayers

lkeab/BCNet CVPR 2021

Segmenting highly-overlapping objects is challenging, because typically no distinction is made between real object contours and occlusion boundaries.

Real-time Instance Segmentation with Discriminative Orientation Maps

duwt/OrienMask ICCV 2021

Although instance segmentation has made considerable advancement over recent years, it's still a challenge to design high accuracy algorithms with real-time performance.

CenterPoly: real-time instance segmentation using bounding polygons

hu64/centerpoly 19 Aug 2021

The models were trained and evaluated on Cityscapes, KITTI and IDD and the results are reported on their public benchmark, which are state-of-the-art at real-time speeds.

Mask-aware IoU for Anchor Assignment in Real-time Instance Segmentation

kemaloksuz/mask-aware-iou 19 Oct 2021

We present the effectiveness of maIoU on a state-of-the-art (SOTA) assigner, ATSS, by replacing IoU operation by our maIoU and training YOLACT, a SOTA real-time instance segmentation method.

D-InLoc++: Indoor Localization in Dynamic Environments

dubenma/d-inlocpp 21 Sep 2022

Lastly, we describe and improve the mistakes caused by gradient-based comparison between synthetic and query images and publish a new pipeline for simulation of environments with movable objects from the Matterport scans.

FastInst: A Simple Query-Based Model for Real-Time Instance Segmentation

junjiehe96/fastinst CVPR 2023

In this paper, we show the strong potential of query-based models on efficient instance segmentation algorithm designs.

Real-time instance segmentation with polygons using an Intersection-over-Union loss

katiajdl/centerpoly-v2 9 May 2023

In this paper, we improve over CenterPoly by enhancing the classical regression L1 loss with a novel region-based loss and a novel order loss, as well as with a new training process for the vertices prediction head.