Respiratory Failure

8 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Continuous prediction of onset of respiratory failure in the next 12h given the patient is not in failure now.


Most implemented papers

A Factored Generalized Additive Model for Clinical Decision Support in the Operating Room

nostringattached/FGAM 29 Jul 2019

In this paper, we propose a factored generalized additive model (F-GAM) to preserve the model interpretability for targeted features while allowing a rich model for interaction with features fixed within the individual.

How to find a unicorn: a novel model-free, unsupervised anomaly detection method for time series

phrenico/uniqed 23 Apr 2020

TOF had superior performance compared to LOF and discord algorithms even in recognizing traditional outliers and it also recognized unique events that those did not.

Combining chest X-rays and electronic health record (EHR) data using machine learning to diagnose acute respiratory failure

mld3/combining-chest-x-rays-and-ehr-data-arf 27 Aug 2021

Conclusions: Machine learning models combining chest radiographs and EHR data can accurately differentiate between common causes of acute respiratory failure.

HiRID-ICU-Benchmark -- A Comprehensive Machine Learning Benchmark on High-resolution ICU Data

ratschlab/HIRID-ICU-Benchmark NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks 2021

The recent success of machine learning methods applied to time series collected from Intensive Care Units (ICU) exposes the lack of standardized machine learning benchmarks for developing and comparing such methods.

Temporal Label Smoothing for Early Event Prediction

ratschlab/tls 29 Aug 2022

TLS reduces the number of missed events by up to a factor of two over previously used approaches in early event prediction.

Identifying TBI Physiological States by Clustering Multivariate Clinical Time-Series Data

vsubbian/slac-time 23 Mar 2023

Determining clinically relevant physiological states from multivariate time series data with missing values is essential for providing appropriate treatment for acute conditions such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), respiratory failure, and heart failure.

Leveraging an Alignment Set in Tackling Instance-Dependent Label Noise

MLD3/Instance_Dependent_Label_Noise 10 Jul 2023

Overall, our approach improves accuracy while mitigating potential bias compared to existing approaches in the presence of instance-dependent label noise.