RF-based Action Recognition

1 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Similar to many other activity recognition systems, WiFi signal is pervasive nowadays with densely deployed WiFi infrastructures in public places, which delivers the idea of ubiquitous device-free surveillance into a practical solution.

he key intuition is that Wi-Fi signals are easily distorted by human motions, and motion-induced signals could convey informative characteristics, such as intensity, regularity, and continuity.

Latest papers with no code

A Survey on CSI-Based Human Behavior Recognition in Through-the-Wall Scenario

no code yet • IEEE Access ( Volume: 7 ) 2019

This paper presents a survey on the state-of-art progresses in device-free through-the-wall human behavior recognition based on CSI.

Segmented convolutional gated recurrent neural networks for human activity recognition in ultra-wideband radar

no code yet • Neurocomputing 2019

In this work, we propose a neural network architecture, namely segmented convolutional gated recurrent neural network (SCGRNN), to recognize human activities based on micro-Doppler spectrograms measured by the ultra-wideband radar.

Enabling Noninvasive Physical Assault Monitoring in Smart School with Commercial Wi-Fi Devices

no code yet • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2019

Monitoring physical assault is critical for the prevention of juvenile delinquency and promotion of school harmony.