Robust Face Recognition

19 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Robust face recognition is the task of performing recognition in an unconstrained environment, where there is variation of view-point, scale, pose, illumination and expression of the face images.

( Image credit: MeGlass dataset )

Most implemented papers

Pose-Robust Face Recognition via Deep Residual Equivariant Mapping

penincillin/DREAM CVPR 2018

However, many contemporary face recognition models still perform relatively poor in processing profile faces compared to frontal faces.

Face Synthesis for Eyeglass-Robust Face Recognition

cleardusk/MeGlass 4 Jun 2018

A feasible method is to collect large-scale face images with eyeglasses for training deep learning methods.

Occlusion Robust Face Recognition Based on Mask Learning With Pairwise Differential Siamese Network

linserSnow/PDSN ICCV 2019

Inspired by the fact that human visual system explicitly ignores the occlusion and only focuses on the non-occluded facial areas, we propose a mask learning strategy to find and discard corrupted feature elements from recognition.

Face Recognition via Locality Constrained Low Rank Representation and Dictionary Learning

yinhefeng/LCLRRDL 6 Dec 2019

First, a low-rank representation is introduced to handle the possible contamination of the training as well as test data.

Masked Face Recognition with Latent Part Detection

mindspore-ai/models Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2020

The proposed LPD model is trained in an end-to-end manner and only utilizes the original and synthetic training data.

OSTeC: One-Shot Texture Completion

barisgecer/OSTeC CVPR 2021

Many recent 3D facial texture reconstruction and pose manipulation from a single image approaches still rely on large and clean face datasets to train image-to-image Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).

LARNet: Lie Algebra Residual Network for Face Recognition

paradocx/LARNet 15 Mar 2021

We prove that face rotation in the image space is equivalent to an additive residual component in the feature space of CNNs, which is determined solely by the rotation.

Embedding Non-Distortive Cancelable Face Template Generation

zamdimon/distortion-generator 4 Feb 2024

Biometric authentication systems are crucial for security, but developing them involves various complexities, including privacy, security, and achieving high accuracy without directly storing pure biometric data in storage.