Robust Object Detection

42 papers with code • 5 benchmarks • 9 datasets

A Benchmark for the: Robustness of Object Detection Models to Image Corruptions and Distortions

To allow fair comparison of robustness enhancing methods all models have to use a standard ResNet50 backbone because performance strongly scales with backbone capacity. If requested an unrestricted category can be added later.

Benchmark Homepage:


mPC [AP]: Mean Performance under Corruption [measured in AP]

rPC [%]: Relative Performance under Corruption [measured in %]

Test sets: Coco: val 2017; Pascal VOC: test 2007; Cityscapes: val;

( Image credit: Benchmarking Robustness in Object Detection )


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Most implemented papers

TOG: Targeted Adversarial Objectness Gradient Attacks on Real-time Object Detection Systems

git-disl/TOG 9 Apr 2020

The rapid growth of real-time huge data capturing has pushed the deep learning and data analytic computing to the edge systems.

RobustNet: Improving Domain Generalization in Urban-Scene Segmentation via Instance Selective Whitening

shachoi/RobustNet CVPR 2021

Enhancing the generalization capability of deep neural networks to unseen domains is crucial for safety-critical applications in the real world such as autonomous driving.

SimROD: A Simple Adaptation Method for Robust Object Detection

reactivetype/simrod ICCV 2021

This paper presents a Simple and effective unsupervised adaptation method for Robust Object Detection (SimROD).

Style-Hallucinated Dual Consistency Learning for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation

helioszhao/shade 6 Apr 2022

Furthermore, we present a novel style hallucination module (SHM) to generate style-diversified samples that are essential to consistency learning.

DyRA: Portable Dynamic Resolution Adjustment Network for Existing Detectors

daeunfullgrace/dyra 28 Nov 2023

This paper introduces DyRA, a dynamic resolution adjustment network providing an image-specific scale factor for existing detectors.

Soft Sampling for Robust Object Detection

starimpact/arm_SNIPER 18 Jun 2018

Interestingly, we observe that after dropping 30% of the annotations (and labeling them as background), the performance of CNN-based object detectors like Faster-RCNN only drops by 5% on the PASCAL VOC dataset.

A Robust Learning Approach to Domain Adaptive Object Detection

Gabriel-Macias/robust_frcnn ICCV 2019

To adapt to the domain shift, the model is trained on the target domain using a set of noisy object bounding boxes that are obtained by a detection model trained only in the source domain.

Switchable Whitening for Deep Representation Learning

XingangPan/Switchable-Whitening ICCV 2019

Unlike existing works that design normalization techniques for specific tasks, we propose Switchable Whitening (SW), which provides a general form unifying different whitening methods as well as standardization methods.

Refined Plane Segmentation for Cuboid-Shaped Objects by Leveraging Edge Detection

a-nau/Plane-Segmentation-Refinement 28 Mar 2020

Our approach is motivated by logistics, where this assumption is valid and refined planes can be used to perform robust object detection without the need for supervised learning.

Vehicle Position Estimation with Aerial Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

fkthi/OpenTrafficMonitoringPlus 17 Apr 2020

A robust object detection is crucial for reliable results, hence the state-of-the-art deep neural network Mask-RCNN is applied for that purpose.