Role Embedding

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Latest papers with no code

Learning Roles with Emergent Social Value Orientations

no code yet • 31 Jan 2023

Social dilemmas can be considered situations where individual rationality leads to collective irrationality.

DialogueBERT: A Self-Supervised Learning based Dialogue Pre-training Encoder

no code yet • 22 Sep 2021

DialogueBERT was pre-trained with 70 million dialogues in real scenario, and then fine-tuned in three different downstream dialogue understanding tasks.

Invertible Tree Embeddings using a Cryptographic Role Embedding Scheme

no code yet • COLING 2020

We present a novel method for embedding trees in a vector space based on Tensor-Product Representations (TPRs) which allows for inversion: the retrieval of the original tree structure and nodes from the vectorial embedding.

Supervising Unsupervised Open Information Extraction Models

no code yet • IJCNLP 2019

We propose a novel supervised open information extraction (Open IE) framework that leverages an ensemble of unsupervised Open IE systems and a small amount of labeled data to improve system performance.

Temporal Analysis of Reddit Networks via Role Embeddings

no code yet • 14 Aug 2019

Inspired by diachronic word analysis from the field of natural language processing, we propose an approach for uncovering temporal insights regarding user roles from social networks using graph embedding methods.