Saliency Ranking

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Most implemented papers

Inferring Attention Shift Ranks of Objects for Image Saliency

SirisAvishek/Attention_Shift_Ranks CVPR 2020

Following psychological studies, in this paper, we propose to predict the saliency rank by inferring human attention shift.

Bi-directional Object-context Prioritization Learning for Saliency Ranking

grassbro/ocor CVPR 2022

We observe that spatial attention works concurrently with object-based attention in the human visual recognition system.

Partitioned Saliency Ranking with Dense Pyramid Transformers

ssecv/psr 1 Aug 2023

The ranking by partition paradigm alleviates ranking ambiguities in a general sense, as it consistently improves the performance of other saliency ranking models.

Rethinking Object Saliency Ranking: A Novel Whole-flow Processing Paradigm

mengkesong/saliency-ranking-paradigm 6 Dec 2023

To conquer, this paper proposes a new paradigm for saliency ranking, which aims to completely focus on ranking salient objects by their "importance order".