Scene Parsing

75 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Scene parsing is to segment and parse an image into different image regions associated with semantic categories, such as sky, road, person, and bed. MIT Description


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Most implemented papers

A Dense Material Segmentation Dataset for Indoor and Outdoor Scene Parsing

apple/ml-dms-dataset 21 Jul 2022

A key algorithm for understanding the world is material segmentation, which assigns a label (metal, glass, etc.)

OneFormer: One Transformer to Rule Universal Image Segmentation

SHI-Labs/OneFormer CVPR 2023

However, such panoptic architectures do not truly unify image segmentation because they need to be trained individually on the semantic, instance, or panoptic segmentation to achieve the best performance.

Recurrent Scene Parsing with Perspective Understanding in the Loop

aimerykong/Recurrent-Scene-Parsing-with-Perspective-Understanding-in-the-loop CVPR 2018

We propose a depth-aware gating module that adaptively selects the pooling field size in a convolutional network architecture according to the object scale (inversely proportional to the depth) so that small details are preserved for distant objects while larger receptive fields are used for those nearby.

Semantic Segmentation via Structured Patch Prediction, Context CRF and Guidance CRF

FalongShen/SegModel CVPR 2017

The proposed joint model also employs a guidance CRF to further enhance the segmentation performance.

Dual-Glance Model for Deciphering Social Relationships


Since the beginning of early civilizations, social relationships derived from each individual fundamentally form the basis of social structure in our daily life.

Scene Parsing with Global Context Embedding

hfslyc/GCPNet ICCV 2017

We present a scene parsing method that utilizes global context information based on both the parametric and non- parametric models.

Complete 3D Scene Parsing from an RGBD Image

arron2003/rgbd2full3d 25 Oct 2017

In this paper, we aim to interpret indoor scenes from one RGBD image.

SalientDSO: Bringing Attention to Direct Sparse Odometry

prgumd/SalientDSO 28 Feb 2018

We merge the successes of these two communities and present a way to incorporate semantic information in the form of visual saliency to Direct Sparse Odometry - a highly successful direct sparse VO algorithm.

DeLS-3D: Deep Localization and Segmentation with a 3D Semantic Map

pengwangucla/DeLS-3D CVPR 2018

The uniqueness of our design is a sensor fusion scheme which integrates camera videos, motion sensors (GPS/IMU), and a 3D semantic map in order to achieve robustness and efficiency of the system.