Scene Text Editing

5 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Latest papers with no code

On Manipulating Scene Text in the Wild with Diffusion Models

no code yet • 1 Nov 2023

In experiments, we thoroughly assess and compare our proposed method against state-of-the-arts on various scene text datasets, then provide extensive ablation studies for each granularity to analyze our performance gain.

PSGText: Stroke-Guided Scene Text Editing with PSP Module

no code yet • 20 Oct 2023

Initially, we introduce a text-swapping network that seamlessly substitutes the original text with the desired replacement.

Towards Scene-Text to Scene-Text Translation

no code yet • 6 Aug 2023

In this work, we study the task of ``visually" translating scene text from a source language (e. g., English) to a target language (e. g., Chinese).

FAST: Font-Agnostic Scene Text Editing

no code yet • 5 Aug 2023

However, most of the existing STE methods show inferior editing performance because of (1) complex image backgrounds, (2) various font styles, and (3) varying word lengths within the text.

Natural Scene Text Editing Based on AI

no code yet • 26 Nov 2021

In a recorded situation, textual information is crucial for scene interpretation and decision making.

RewriteNet: Reliable Scene Text Editing with Implicit Decomposition of Text Contents and Styles

no code yet • 23 Jul 2021

Scene text editing (STE), which converts a text in a scene image into the desired text while preserving an original style, is a challenging task due to a complex intervention between text and style.