Self-Supervised Image Classification

85 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 1 datasets

This is the task of image classification using representations learnt with self-supervised learning. Self-supervised methods generally involve a pretext task that is solved to learn a good representation and a loss function to learn with. One example of a loss function is an autoencoder based loss where the goal is reconstruction of an image pixel-by-pixel. A more popular recent example is a contrastive loss, which measure the similarity of sample pairs in a representation space, and where there can be a varying target instead of a fixed target to reconstruct (as in the case of autoencoders).

A common evaluation protocol is to train a linear classifier on top of (frozen) representations learnt by self-supervised methods. The leaderboards for the linear evaluation protocol can be found below. In practice, it is more common to fine-tune features on a downstream task. An alternative evaluation protocol therefore uses semi-supervised learning and finetunes on a % of the labels. The leaderboards for the finetuning protocol can be accessed here.

You may want to read some blog posts before reading the papers and checking the leaderboards:

There is also Yann LeCun's talk at AAAI-20 which you can watch here (35:00+).

( Image credit: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations )


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13 papers
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Improving Visual Representation Learning through Perceptual Understanding

tractableai/perceptual-mae CVPR 2023

We present an extension to masked autoencoders (MAE) which improves on the representations learnt by the model by explicitly encouraging the learning of higher scene-level features.

30 Dec 2022

EVA: Exploring the Limits of Masked Visual Representation Learning at Scale

rwightman/pytorch-image-models CVPR 2023

We launch EVA, a vision-centric foundation model to explore the limits of visual representation at scale using only publicly accessible data.

14 Nov 2022

Towards Sustainable Self-supervised Learning

sail-sg/tec 20 Oct 2022

In this work, we explore a sustainable SSL framework with two major challenges: i) learning a stronger new SSL model based on the existing pretrained SSL model, also called as "base" model, in a cost-friendly manner, ii) allowing the training of the new model to be compatible with various base models.

20 Oct 2022

Exploring Target Representations for Masked Autoencoders

liuxingbin/dbot 8 Sep 2022

Masked autoencoders have become popular training paradigms for self-supervised visual representation learning.

08 Sep 2022

BEiT v2: Masked Image Modeling with Vector-Quantized Visual Tokenizers

microsoft/unilm 12 Aug 2022

The large-size BEiT v2 obtains 87. 3% top-1 accuracy for ImageNet-1K (224 size) fine-tuning, and 56. 7% mIoU on ADE20K for semantic segmentation.

12 Aug 2022

Model-Aware Contrastive Learning: Towards Escaping the Dilemmas

chenhaoxing/MACL_ICML2023 16 Jul 2022

Contrastive learning (CL) continuously achieves significant breakthroughs across multiple domains.

16 Jul 2022

Bootstrapped Masked Autoencoders for Vision BERT Pretraining

lightdxy/bootmae 14 Jul 2022

The first design is motivated by the observation that using a pretrained MAE to extract the features as the BERT prediction target for masked tokens can achieve better pretraining performance.

14 Jul 2022

Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Synchronous Momentum Grouping

lightly-ai/lightly 13 Jul 2022

In this paper, we propose a genuine group-level contrastive visual representation learning method whose linear evaluation performance on ImageNet surpasses the vanilla supervised learning.

13 Jul 2022

Architecture-Agnostic Masked Image Modeling -- From ViT back to CNN

open-mmlab/mmpretrain 27 May 2022

We then propose an Architecture-Agnostic Masked Image Modeling framework (A$^2$MIM), which is compatible with both Transformers and CNNs in a unified way.

27 May 2022

Multiplexed Immunofluorescence Brain Image Analysis Using Self-Supervised Dual-Loss Adaptive Masked Autoencoder

hula-ai/DAMA 10 May 2022

Reliable large-scale cell detection and segmentation is the fundamental first step to understanding biological processes in the brain.

10 May 2022