Semantic Retrieval

18 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Variational Transformer: A Framework Beyond the Trade-off between Accuracy and Diversity for Image Captioning

kaelsunkiller/vat 28 May 2022

In this work, we will show that the inferior standard of accuracy draws from human annotations (leave-one-out) are not appropriate for machine-generated captions.

PiC: A Phrase-in-Context Dataset for Phrase Understanding and Semantic Search

Phrase-in-Context/eval 19 Jul 2022

While contextualized word embeddings have been a de-facto standard, learning contextualized phrase embeddings is less explored and being hindered by the lack of a human-annotated benchmark that tests machine understanding of phrase semantics given a context sentence or paragraph (instead of phrases alone).

Training Effective Neural Sentence Encoders from Automatically Mined Paraphrases

sdadas/polish-sentence-evaluation 26 Jul 2022

Our sentence encoder can be trained in less than a day on a single graphics card, achieving high performance on a diverse set of sentence-level tasks.

Sentence Representation Learning with Generative Objective rather than Contrastive Objective

chengzhipanpan/paser 16 Oct 2022

Though offering amazing contextualized token-level representations, current pre-trained language models take less attention on accurately acquiring sentence-level representation during their self-supervised pre-training.

Intra-class Adaptive Augmentation with Neighbor Correction for Deep Metric Learning

darkpromise98/iaa 29 Nov 2022

They have overlooked the wide characteristic changes of different classes and can not model abundant intra-class variations for generations.

Surface-Based Retrieval Reduces Perplexity of Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

edoost/retro_bm25 25 May 2023

Inspired by this, we replace the semantic retrieval in Retro with a surface-level method based on BM25, obtaining a significant reduction in perplexity.

If the Sources Could Talk: Evaluating Large Language Models for Research Assistance in History

gissygonzalez/kleiogpt 16 Oct 2023

We demonstrate that LLMs semantic retrieval and reasoning abilities on problem-specific tasks can be applied to large textual archives that have not been part of the its training data.

M4LE: A Multi-Ability Multi-Range Multi-Task Multi-Domain Long-Context Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models

kwanwaichung/m4le 30 Oct 2023

In this paper, we propose M4LE, a Multi-ability, Multi-range, Multi-task, Multi-domain benchmark for Long-context Evaluation.