Semantic Text Matching
8 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 1 datasets
Most implemented papers
RoFormer: Enhanced Transformer with Rotary Position Embedding
Then, we propose a novel method named Rotary Position Embedding(RoPE) to effectively leverage the positional information.
Extractive Summarization as Text Matching
This paper creates a paradigm shift with regard to the way we build neural extractive summarization systems.
unarXive: A Large Scholarly Data Set with Publications' Full-Text, Annotated In-Text Citations, and Links to Metadata
The data set, which is made freely available for research purposes, not only can enhance the future evaluation of research paper-based and citation context-based approaches, but also serve as a basis for new ways to analyze in-text citations, as we show prototypically in this article.
Match-Ignition: Plugging PageRank into Transformer for Long-form Text Matching
However, these models designed for short texts cannot well address the long-form text matching problem, because there are many contexts in long-form texts can not be directly aligned with each other, and it is difficult for existing models to capture the key matching signals from such noisy data.
Supervised Contrastive Learning for Interpretable Long-Form Document Matching
When handling such long documents, there are three primary challenges: (i) the presence of different contexts for the same word throughout the document, (ii) small sections of contextually similar text between two documents, but dissimilar text in the remaining parts (this defies the basic understanding of "similarity"), and (iii) the coarse nature of a single global similarity measure which fails to capture the heterogeneity of the document content.
Linguistic Knowledge in Data Augmentation for Natural Language Processing: An Example on Chinese Question Matching
To investigate the role of linguistic knowledge in data augmentation (DA) for Natural Language Processing (NLP), we designed two adapted DA programs and applied them to LCQMC (a Large-scale Chinese Question Matching Corpus) for a binary Chinese question matching classification task.
A Dense Representation Framework for Lexical and Semantic Matching
In contrast, our work integrates lexical representations with dense semantic representations by densifying high-dimensional lexical representations into what we call low-dimensional dense lexical representations (DLRs).
Law Article-Enhanced Legal Case Matching: a Causal Learning Approach
We show that the framework is model-agnostic, and a number of legal case matching models can be applied as the underlying models.