Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection

28 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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NNG-Mix: Improving Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection with Pseudo-anomaly Generation

donghao51/nng-mix 20 Nov 2023

While AD is typically treated as an unsupervised learning task due to the high cost of label annotation, it is more practical to assume access to a small set of labeled anomaly samples from domain experts, as is the case for semi-supervised anomaly detection.

20 Nov 2023

Label-based Graph Augmentation with Metapath for Graph Anomaly Detection

missinghwan/MSAD 21 Aug 2023

To further efficiently exploit context information from metapath-based anomaly subgraph, we present a new framework, Metapath-based Graph Anomaly Detection (MGAD), incorporating GCN layers in both the dual-encoders and decoders to efficiently propagate context information between abnormal and normal nodes.

21 Aug 2023

ImbSAM: A Closer Look at Sharpness-Aware Minimization in Class-Imbalanced Recognition

cool-xuan/imbalanced_sam ICCV 2023

To overcome this bottleneck, we leverage class priors to restrict the generalization scope of the class-agnostic SAM and propose a class-aware smoothness optimization algorithm named Imbalanced-SAM (ImbSAM).

15 Aug 2023

AnoOnly: Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection with the Only Loss on Anomalies

cool-xuan/anoonly 30 May 2023

Unlike existing SSAD methods that resort to strict loss supervision, AnoOnly suspends it and introduces a form of weak supervision for normal data.

30 May 2023

On Diffusion Modeling for Anomaly Detection

vicliv/dte 29 May 2023

By simplifying DDPM in application to anomaly detection, we are naturally led to an alternative approach called Diffusion Time Estimation (DTE).

29 May 2023

SAD: Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection on Dynamic Graphs

d10andy/sad 23 May 2023

Anomaly detection aims to distinguish abnormal instances that deviate significantly from the majority of benign ones.

23 May 2023

EfficientAD: Accurate Visual Anomaly Detection at Millisecond-Level Latencies

openvinotoolkit/anomalib 25 Mar 2023

We train a student network to predict the extracted features of normal, i. e., anomaly-free training images.

25 Mar 2023

Leveraging Contaminated Datasets to Learn Clean-Data Distribution with Purified Generative Adversarial Networks

tbw162/purigan 3 Feb 2023

When training on such datasets, existing GANs will learn a mixture distribution of desired and contaminated instances, rather than the desired distribution of desired data only (target distribution).

03 Feb 2023

R2-AD2: Detecting Anomalies by Analysing the Raw Gradient

Fraunhofer-AISEC/R2-AD2 21 Jun 2022

Neural networks follow a gradient-based learning scheme, adapting their mapping parameters by back-propagating the output loss.

21 Jun 2022