Sentence Classification

104 papers with code • 6 benchmarks • 14 datasets

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Most implemented papers

CLUE: A Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark

CLUEbenchmark/CLUE COLING 2020

The advent of natural language understanding (NLU) benchmarks for English, such as GLUE and SuperGLUE allows new NLU models to be evaluated across a diverse set of tasks.

IndoNLU: Benchmark and Resources for Evaluating Indonesian Natural Language Understanding

indobenchmark/indonlu Asian Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020

Although Indonesian is known to be the fourth most frequently used language over the internet, the research progress on this language in the natural language processing (NLP) is slow-moving due to a lack of available resources.

QNLP in Practice: Running Compositional Models of Meaning on a Quantum Computer

CQCL/qnlp_lorenz_etal_2021_resources 25 Feb 2021

Our aim in doing this is to take the first small steps in this unexplored research territory and pave the way for practical Quantum Natural Language Processing.

Rediscovering Hashed Random Projections for Efficient Quantization of Contextualized Sentence Embeddings

satzbeleg/keras-hrp 13 Mar 2023

Training and inference on edge devices often requires an efficient setup due to computational limitations.

Densely Connected Bidirectional LSTM with Applications to Sentence Classification

xuhaiming1996/Densely-Connected-Bidirectional-LSTM 3 Feb 2018

Deep neural networks have recently been shown to achieve highly competitive performance in many computer vision tasks due to their abilities of exploring in a much larger hypothesis space.

ListOps: A Diagnostic Dataset for Latent Tree Learning

yikangshen/Ordered-Memory NAACL 2018

In this paper we introduce ListOps, a toy dataset created to study the parsing ability of latent tree models.

An Attention-Gated Convolutional Neural Network for Sentence Classification

fabyangliu/AGCNN_sentence_classification 22 Aug 2018

The classification of sentences is very challenging, since sentences contain the limited contextual information.

Jointly Learning to Label Sentences and Tokens

marekrei/mltagger 14 Nov 2018

Learning to construct text representations in end-to-end systems can be difficult, as natural languages are highly compositional and task-specific annotated datasets are often limited in size.

Glyce: Glyph-vectors for Chinese Character Representations

ShannonAI/glyce NeurIPS 2019

However, due to the lack of rich pictographic evidence in glyphs and the weak generalization ability of standard computer vision models on character data, an effective way to utilize the glyph information remains to be found.

Taming Pretrained Transformers for Extreme Multi-label Text Classification

OctoberChang/X-Transformer 7 May 2019

However, naively applying deep transformer models to the XMC problem leads to sub-optimal performance due to the large output space and the label sparsity issue.