Shadow Removal

56 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Remove shadow from background

Most implemented papers

Physics-based Shadow Image Decomposition for Shadow Removal

cvlab-stonybrook/SID 23 Dec 2020

Inspired by physical models of shadow formation, we use a linear illumination transformation to model the shadow effects in the image that allows the shadow image to be expressed as a combination of the shadow-free image, the shadow parameters, and a matte layer.

Auto-Exposure Fusion for Single-Image Shadow Removal

tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal CVPR 2021

We conduct extensive experiments on the ISTD, ISTD+, and SRD datasets to validate our method's effectiveness and show better performance in shadow regions and comparable performance in non-shadow regions over the state-of-the-art methods.

Bijective Mapping Network for Shadow Removal

KevinJ-Huang/BMNet CVPR 2022

Shadow removal, which aims to restore the background in the shadow regions, is challenging due to the highly ill-posed nature.

Efficient Model-Driven Network for Shadow Removal

zhuyr97/AAAI2022_Unfolding_Network_Shadow_Removal AAAI 2022

To address these issues, we first propose a new shadow illumination model for the shadow removal task.

Shadow-Aware Dynamic Convolution for Shadow Removal

xuyimin0926/sadc 10 May 2022

Inspired by the fact that the color mapping of the non-shadow region is easier to learn, our SADC processes the non-shadow region with a lightweight convolution module in a computationally cheap manner and recovers the shadow region with a more complicated convolution module to ensure the quality of image reconstruction.

SpA-Former: Transformer image shadow detection and removal via spatial attention

zhangbaijin/spa-former-shadow-removal 22 Jun 2022

In this paper, we propose an end-to-end SpA-Former to recover a shadow-free image from a single shaded image.

High-Resolution Document Shadow Removal via A Large-Scale Real-World Dataset and A Frequency-Aware Shadow Erasing Net

CXH-Research/DocShadow-SD7K ICCV 2023

We handle high-resolution document shadow removal directly via a larger-scale real-world dataset and a carefully designed frequency-aware network.

Interactive Removal and Ground Truth for Difficult Shadow Scenes

hangong/deshadow 2 Aug 2016

A user-centric method for fast, interactive, robust and high-quality shadow removal is presented.

User-Assisted Shadow Removal

hangong/deshadow-curve_solution Image and Vision Computing 2018

To relight the image, a dense scale field is produced by in-painting the sparse scales.

An Iterative Approach for Shadow Removal in Document Images

CV-Reimplementation/TraditionalDocumentShadowRemoval ICASSP 2018

Uneven illumination and shadows in document images cause a challenge for digitization applications and automated workflows.