
6 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Improved Techniques for Training Single-Image GANs

tohinz/ConSinGAN 25 Mar 2020

Recently there has been an interest in the potential of learning generative models from a single image, as opposed to from a large dataset.

PetsGAN: Rethinking Priors for Single Image Generation

zhangzc21/petsgan 3 Mar 2022

Moreover, we apply our method to other image manipulation tasks (e. g., style transfer, harmonization), and the results further prove the effectiveness and efficiency of our method.

Meta Internal Learning

RaphaelBensTAU/MetaInternalLearning NeurIPS 2021

Internal learning for single-image generation is a framework, where a generator is trained to produce novel images based on a single image.

SinDDM: A Single Image Denoising Diffusion Model

fallenshock/SinDDM 29 Nov 2022

Here, we introduce a framework for training a DDM on a single image.

Towards Smooth Video Composition

genforce/StyleSV 14 Dec 2022

Video generation requires synthesizing consistent and persistent frames with dynamic content over time.

AutoDiffusion: Training-Free Optimization of Time Steps and Architectures for Automated Diffusion Model Acceleration

lilijiangg/autodiffusion ICCV 2023

Therefore, we propose to search the optimal time steps sequence and compressed model architecture in a unified framework to achieve effective image generation for diffusion models without any further training.